Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Do Troubled Twins belong in the Holler?

Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech is realistic fiction at its best! Dallas and his sister, Florida, are twins who have had a very rough life. They live in an orphanage run by the Trepids, a couple who can’t stand children. The Trepids have a gazillion rules about all the things kids can’t do while they live there. Dallas and Florida get in a lot of trouble because they're always breaking some rule or another. Other families that have taken Florida and Dallas in for a while, but they are too much trouble for everyone and end up being returned to the Trepids. One day an older couple named Tiller and Sairy arrives at the orphanage to get two kids to go on vacation with them, and they select Dallas and Florida. They bring them home to Ruby Holler, which is out in the middle of nowhere and filled with animals, trees, rivers, hills and all kinds of wonderful outdoor sights. Will Dallas and Florida change their ways? Will Sairy and Tiller be able to handle the destruction that comes with the “terrible two”? Will the Trepids finally be free of Dallas and Florida?

I highly recommend this feel good book. I laughed my way through it and can still hear Florida’s voice ringing in my ears (maggoty, wretched, etc.). Lots of short chapters- and although it looks like a long book, it's a really fast read! I would recommend this story to kids in third grade and up.

Has anyone else read Ruby Holler? Or have you read another book by Sharon Creech? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading

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  1. I just picked up Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. LOVING IT.

    1. Leslie- I have Walk Two Moons- but I haven't read it yet. :) ~L

  2. I think I have this. I have two or more of Creech's books. I only read Love That Dog.

    1. Medeia- I haven't read Love That Dog yet- though I have it. I have read a couple of her other books and they have all been great so far. :) ~L

  3. I haven't read anything by Sharon Creech. Sounds like I need to.

    1. Natalie- I think you will love her books! :) ~L

  4. Oh I love the cover of this. Cleverly done, I thought it managed to be modern and yet wonderfully 'old fashioned' at the same time.

    1. Tracy- I agree! It is beautiful and perfect for the story. :) ~L

  5. Not familiar with Sharon's work, but it look like a good read!

  6. I've never read Ruby Holler, but it certainly sounds like a good book!

    1. Sherry- Ruby Holler is truly a book that shouldn't be missed. I hope you get to read it soon! :) ~L

  7. Huh. This one sounds really good. I imagine I'd love it, and I wondering if it's going to end the way I think it will.

    1. Crystal- I hope you read it and find out if it ends the way you think it will. ;) ~L

  8. Nothing like a feel good book. I shall duly take the liberty of sharing this posting.

    Penny's fictional human,


    1. Gary- Thanks for sharing the post. :) It is a feel good book- and I love that it made me laugh out loud! ~L

  9. An orphanage run by a couple who doesn't like children? What a twist. I think this read would be great.

    Thanks for the intro.


    1. Nas- I agree that the twist with the Trepids hating children and running an orphanage made for some interesting events! :) ~L

  10. This sounds like something my granddaughter would just love. Thanks for telling me about it.

    1. Rosi- I bet she would! Glad to have shared it with you. :) ~L

  11. Maggoty and wretched bring up all kinds of images. Poor kids. I love feel good, realistic stories. A must read.

    1. Lee- The characters have such voice in this book. Florida will crack you up! :) ~L

  12. I've heard of this book before. Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for the review!

  13. I haven't read this, but would like to. Maybe I'll get a copy for my granddaughter and read it first. :) Nice review.

    1. Beverly- I bet your granddaughter would love this and if you read it first you will have lots to talk about. :) ~L

  14. I've read The Wanderer, Love that Dog, Hate that Cat, Heartbeat (still one of my top favourites), Walk Two Moons (a special story, this one), and am reading Bloomability. I'll read either Ruby Holler or The Boy on the Porch next! Great review here, ladies.

    1. Claudine- Sounds like we both love Sharon's books! :) I have The Boy on the Porch to read soon. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Ruby Holler. Ms. Creech really is a master storyteller. She does an amazing job developing characters. ~L

  15. Heidi- You will enjoy this one! :) ~L


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