Friday, February 16, 2018

Margo's Musings: An Old Dragon Swallowed a WHAT??

“There was an old dragon who swallowed a knight. I don't know why he swallowed the knight. It's not polite!”

As soon as we got to the library my little sister, Margo, saw the bright red dragon on the cover of a book and pointed. She was very excited to start reading. She thinks dragons are cute!

There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight by Penny Parker Klostermann is told in the same style as the classic story There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. In this book however, there is a dragon that does the swallowing. He takes in all kinds of items and people that one might find near a castle. But- Margo’s favorite part is what happens when the dragon realizes that he may have eaten too much. I am surprised you couldn’t hear her cracking up at your house. The repetitive lines and rhythm make this a story that can be read over and over. There are lots of opportunities for everyone reading the story to participate. Will the dragon suffer the same fate as the old lady who swallowed the fly? Or will he live to swallow another knight?

The illustrations are vibrant, and the pictures really draw the reader in. Because the lines repeat, Margo couldn’t wait for her part, which was, “It’s not polite.” She’s been going around everywhere saying the phrase, and it does sound funny coming from a two year old, especially when it’s the reply to something she wants and has been told “no” about.  This would be a fun story for kids and adults to read together and I know we will read it at least a few more times before we return it to the Ashpot Library!

Has anyone else read There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight? Or have you read another book by Penny Parker Klostermann? 

We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Reading!


  1. This sounds like a fun story, have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. haha sounds like one that really sticks with the kiddos, and gives them something to use as ammo against no.

  3. Hi DMS - this sounds absolutely delightful ... I love/d the old woman one ... and it's good for old and young - I read it to my mother when she was in her last years ... she happily smiled at the tale and remembrances. Very clever to devise such a great dragon's tale - good luck and happy reading - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- If you like/loved the old lady one then you will certainly enjoy this version. Follows the same rhythm. Very fun. Love that you read the original to your mom when she was in her last year. :) ~F

  4. Hahaha, reminds me of that scene in Disney's Alice in Wonderland.. "How doth the little crocodile improve his shining..." -

  5. Thanks for such a fun review! I would love to hear Margo cracking up! I'm smiling big down here in Texas :-)

    1. Penny- Thank you so much for stopping by. You made our day. I wish you could hear Margo too. :) Wonderful book. Hopefully you can hear us clapping and cheering all the way in Texas. :) ~F

  6. Okay, this book looks ADORABLE :D So glad you loved it a bunch. <3 Such stunning illustrations. And dragons :D Yesss.

    1. Carina- The illustrations are so beautiful and we love dragon stories. Yeah! :) ~F

  7. Like Margo, I love dragons. And who better than a child to show how good a story is. Beautiful cover.

    1. Beverly- Isn't the cover fabulous. I hope you get a chance to read it! :) ~F

  8. I've seen this one around. I think the repeated part is particularly cute and hopefully it would lead to more polite behavior. It's cute when the word "no" gets "It's not polite" from a two year old haha!

    1. Adriana- I thought that was funny too. :) Glad you have seen this one around. It is a great book and very entertaining. :) ~F

  9. I love the cover! So cute and eye catching. :) Will have to check this one out. My grandsons would probably love it. Have a great weekend!

    1. Karen- I think they will love it. They can repeat the "It's not polite" part and the part with the steed (clippity, clippity, clippity clop...). Enjoy! :) ~F

  10. it sounds sooo delightful I can't stand it!

  11. Yes! I love this book. SOOOO clever and funny! It's one of my favorites.

    1. Mimi- Yeah! Glad to hear from another fan. We love this book. :) ~F

  12. This sound so adorable! I wish my nieces and nephews were still little although I love these kinds of books even now.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Karen- It is a fun one to read with kids- but definitely can be enjoyed by adults too. I hope you get to check it out! :) ~F

  13. I haven't read it but it sounds good.

  14. Replies
    1. The Armchair Squid- We had a blast reading it! :) ~F

  15. This one looks like so much fun!!! Thanks for the tip :)

  16. This sounds like a fun read that kids would just love.
    Hope your day is filled with sunshine and sparkle.

    1. Sandra- Thanks for the good wishes. I hope your day is filled with the same. :) ~F

  17. One of my grand niece living in Sydney collects everything Dragon related. All the small toys etc. And she reads. So I'll message her about this book.

    1. Nas- Oh my goodness. If she collects dragons then she is sure to love this book. :) ~F

  18. Heidi- The twists are so fun and the pictures really are gorgeous! :) ~F

  19. This sounds so cute! I love the images!! Hope you're having a great weekend! Big Hugs!

    1. Magic Love Crow- It really is a cute book. :) ~L

  20. This book looks so creative and adorable. When I was a kid, I don't think I remember there being any good fantasy books like this. Cool that your sister noticed it right away! Hugs...RO

    1. Ro- This book is beautiful and a lot of fun. :) The cover really pops!

  21. Oh I loved the book There Was An Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly so much when I was younger! I love that there is this fantasy based one too. You've got me wanting to read this one for nostalgias sake.

    1. Olivia- Savannah- I hope you get to read this one. :) It is a lot of fun- especially if you like There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. :) ~F


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