Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Alligators Overhead!

Pete wakes up on the first day of spring vacation feeling a bit apprehensive about the phone call his aunt is going to get from his principal. At the same time he can’t help but feel bored with the town he lives in. Pete hasn’t lived in the town for very long, only since his parents died. There isn’t much to do and there are a lot of places that are off limits, like the Ornofree Swamp next to his house that is filled with alligators. He only has one friend, Weasel, but they have been getting into too much trouble lately. His aunt has threatened to send him to military school if he doesn’t start behaving. After answering a mysterious phone call, Pete decides it is time for a bike ride. He has to do something to get the creepy voice out of his head. Only his ride doesn’t turn out the way he expects. He finds a mysterious mansion right next to his aunt’s house! At first he thinks he made the house appear, because lately when he thinks something- it happens, whether he wants it to or not. As he looks at the old house he recognizes it from a dream. Once the rest of the town hears about it they begin to speculate about how a house that disappeared 100 years ago is back all of a sudden. Will Pete listen to his aunt and stay out of the house no matter what? What does the old mansion have to do with the Ornofree Swamp? Just what exactly is the strange voice that Pete keeps hearing in his head? Can a familiar be anything other than a cat? You will be on the edge of your seat as Pete takes you on ride you will not forget!

Alligators Overhead by C. Lee McKenzie is a mysterious adventure that will keep you guessing. Pete may like to get into trouble, but he is a typical 12 year-old with a best friend who tries to keep him doing the right thing. Poor Weasel! He gets a little frustrated trying to keep them both from getting into serious trouble. I think kids between the ages of 8 and 14 will love this book if they like old houses, witches, animals, and nature. Pete is a good main character because his desire to do the wrong thing often leads him into a situation that is entertaining for the reader. I think Pete has a good heart, but his life hasn’t been easy so far. Now that he has learned a bit more about his past and his present he will be growing up a little faster, whether he wants to or not. I liked that the book had fantasy and mystery mixed together because it kept the possibility open that anything could happen. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading others by this author.
Has anyone else read Alligators Overhead? Or another book by C. Lee McKenzie?

Happy Reading!


  1. Thanks for mentioning this, I'm sure Niece #2 would love it ..... and so would I.

    1. Petty- You are welcome! I hope Niece #2 and you both enjoy this unique book! ~L

  2. I have not yet read it but sure do hope to. I've read Lee's book Sliding on the Edge, very good.

    1. Bish- I hope you get to read Alligators Overhead soon- it is a fast read. I am glad to hear you enjoyed Sliding on the Edge. I will have to check that one out. :) ~Stephanie

  3. Jess...this is a great review of what sounds like a very interesting book. I do marvel at you authors who can write children's books because it is so important to get kids interested in reading at an early age. It's an important learning tool that will serve them well all their lives.

    1. Anna- I am so glad you enjoyed the review. It is a great book! I agree with you that it is so important to get kids reading at an early age. They will never be lonely or bored if they learn to read and have a book with them. :) ~Jess

  4. Loved waking up to this! I've been chewing nails, hoping readers would like Pete and his adventure. So glad that you did. Thanks so much for the great review.

    1. Lee- So glad you woke up to some great news! I can imagine the nail chewing. Alligators Overhead was such fun to read! I know others will enjoy it, too! ~L

  5. Replies
    1. Susan- Thanks! Awesome to have you stop by. :) ~L

    2. Thank you Susan. She writes good ones, doesn't she?

  6. I've read it and loved it!! I know my students are going to love it as well :)

    1. Jemi- So exciting to hear from someone else who loved it. What a great read! I am sure your students will be hooked. :) ~L

    2. Would love to hear from your class, Jemi!

  7. Love the friend named *Weasel* lol

    1. M.A.D.- I think Weasel is a fun name, too. :) Names like that always make me smile.

    2. Thanks. Glad the name made you laugh. Poor Weasel. His real name was Wilbur. What parent would do that to a kid these days? :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Alex- Awesome that you downloaded Alligators Overhead! When you get a chance to read it you will really enjoy it. :) ~L

    2. Woot! Alex. Greatly appreciate your downloading it!

  9. Love that Lee is everywhere! I"m definitely downloading a copy ;)


    1. Nutschell- I love that Lee is everywhere, too! Happy reading! ~L

  10. This sounds like such an intriguing, mysterious read! I love books like this ;)

    1. Elisa- If you like intiguing mysteries- then this one will keep you entertained. Happy reading! ~L

    2. So glad you said this, Elisa! Thanks.

  11. Replies
    1. Patty- It is a great MG read! Unigue and mysterious. :) ~L

  12. Thanks everyone. As all writers know getting your name out and your book titles recognized is not easy, so when someone gives me a boost like this, I can't tell them how much I appreciate it.

    1. Lee- Thanks for commenting to our readers. :) We are so happy to help you get your name and book out there. We wish you much success! We know our readers will enjoy our interview with you when we post it next week. ~Stephanie and Jess

  13. I'm definitely reading this one. Lee is great!

    1. Kelly- I agree with you that Lee is great. Enjoy the book! ~L

    2. Thanks Kelly. Hope your daughter likes it.

  14. Heidi- Glad to hear you like the title! It is unique and makes you stop and think. The possibilities are endless because of the magic and witches. I loved that anything could happen- it kept me on the edge of my seat. :) ~L

  15. I like the title! :) It sounds like a good book!

    1. This Kid Reviews Books- So glad you like the title. I think this is a book you will enjoy! ~L

  16. I hadn't heard of C Lee McKenzie or the book, but it sounds interesting and right at the age groups that I and Paul R. Hewlett (my new blog partner, who wrote Lionel's Grand Adventure) write for. I'd love to have Ms. McKenzie take a look at my author page and see if she'd like to do a guest post or interview and/or giveaway. Paul might do a review too because he's not as far behind on reading.

    Also, Jess, I wanted to thank you for the book suggestions. One is on my blog now with the others to follow.

    1. Hi Sher A Hart- I am so happy to introduce you to C. Lee McKenzie and her book. It is definitely an interesting read. How exciting that you are encouraging Lee to check out your blog and set something up! If she doesn't see this post in the next day or two we will forward her your reply so she knows.

      How wonderful to see my book suggestion on your blog! A great list of MG and children's books! I am enjoying reading the posts on this topic.

      Have a great day! ~Jess

    2. Waving from her computer! I did read the comment, and thanks, Sher for the invitation. I'll be sure to stop in and say hello. You and DMS are so lucky to have blog partners. I so often wish I had a buddy to bounce idea off of. Take care and I'll see you both soon.

  17. Does he have powers? Or maybe he's connected to the house?His ancestors might have once lived there! This sounds awesome. Thanks for the post (:

    1. Adriana- I love your guessed! I think you will enjoy reading this one and finding out the answers (I like the way you think). :) ~L

    2. Nice guessing! Can't tell or this comment would have "spoilers."

  18. I hope it does keep kids--kids of all ages--reading to find out what happens.

  19. I have to read this it sounds so intriguing.

    1. Hi Barbara, It was a great read! We hope you enjoy Georgie's story : ) ~ F

  20. Very nice review. I've read all of C Lee's books and highly recommend them.

    1. Beverly- How wonderful that you have read all of Lee's books! I look forward to reading more of them. :) ~L

  21. I love the imagination of the author in writing this book. Sounds like a fun read.

    1. Donna- Lee is so creative! Alligators Overhead is a wonderful book. :) ~L


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