Monday, July 15, 2024

MMGM: Secret of the Shadow Beasts by Diane Magras


Nora lives in Brannland, where shadow beasts called the Umbrae come out once the sun goes down. Adults who are bitten die, but there are children who are immune. These children become knights at the age of 7 when they train to destroy the shadow beasts. Although Nora Kemp’s blood was tested and proven to be immune, her father refused to allow her to become a knight. Knight's train hard and live away from their families and Owen Kemp wanted his daughter to have a normal childhood. Instead, Nora lives in the countryside on a farm where she has sheep and plays the fiddle. Her family has always known they have to be inside when the "gloaming" comes because that is when the Umbrae come out to attack anyone outside. But life on a farm doesn't always stop. It’s been over a year since the beasts got her dad and now Nora’s mother has been almost bitten by them (even being near them can make someone sick). Only Nora’s quick thinking saves them both. But this makes Nora think about being a knight and she calls up the school and talks to the person who tested her when she was seven. The umbrae have been getting worse and there are less people who are able to fight them, so the school agrees to have Nora come and try out. She missed five years of training but that doesn’t stop Nora’s natural instincts and abilities from shining through. Nora has a lot to learn about the school, which is divided into different orders. It takes a little bit of time for her to bond with her new order, but they are a team the first night they go to fight the Umbrea together. Unlike the video game Nora played at home, these battles are exhausting, dangerous, and extremely stressful, as she needs to protect herself, her order and the citizens. When someone from another order does something that puts the lives of everyone in Brannland in danger, Nora and her order try to come to the rescue. What they discover is even more dangerous and petrifying than they could’ve ever imagined. Can Nora and her order defeat the beasts? What secrets will Nora discover about her family? Why are the beasts multiplying? You’ll have to read this fast paced adventure to find out.

I own a hardcover copy of Secret of the Shadow Beasts by Diane Magras, but I was lucky enough to win a copy of the audiobook online. I am so glad I did. The narrator does an amazing job and I felt like I was right there in the store with Nora. The way the setting was painted made the scenes easy to imagine. Nora is a character that people can relate to because she seems like a regular kid who enjoys reading, playing video games, and spending time with her family. I like seeing how the relationships in the book change as Nora gets to know everyone. It’s dangerous for children to be out fighting the beasts, but the story explains why it needs to be children, not adults. I highly recommend this book to anyone in fourth grade or up who enjoys action, adventure, and characters who really make you care about them. I have read The Mad Wolf's Daughter by Diane Magras and I look forward to reading other books by her in the future.

Has anyone else read Secret of the Shadow Beasts? Or have you read another book by Diane Magras? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!

For other MMGM posts, please visit Greg Pattridge's blog.


  1. That sounds like an exciting and satisfying read. Not aimed at my age group - but I care not.

    1. EC- Definitely! I agree- a great thing about books is we can read books for younger audiences and enjoy them just the same. :) It's a fun read for sure!

  2. I haven't read this book, but I like action-based stories. And I'm reading more audiobooks so I'll see if I can get this one at my library.

    1. Natalie- I hope they have it at your library on audio. It is fabulous! You will love it! :)

  3. Interesting concept. You'd think they would want all the knights they could get to battle those beasts.

    1. Alex- They definitely want a lot of knights- but not all kids have the same level of immunity and every bite makes the venom more dangerous. An intriguing story for sure! :)

  4. Such an intriguing plot. Diane Magras is such a great story teller, and I will for sure add this to my future read list. I've read one of her previous books, THE MAD WOLF'S DAUGHTER and enjoyed that story. Happy MMGM!

    1. Hi Greg- So glad to hear you enjoyed The Mad Wolf's Daughter too! I think you will love this book as well. Hope you get to read it soon. :)

  5. I haven't read this one, but it sounds goods. Have a great week. Sandra

    1. Sandra- It really is a fantastic read! :)

  6. I'm not in the fourth grade but I do love the sound of this book. I think it will soon be mine! Thanks for the great review! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It is definitely a read for anyone 4th grade and up who loves a good story. :)

    2. As I probably never grew up, I enjoyed it immensly!

    3. Valerie- Yay! I am so glad! Growing up is over rated! :)

  7. Gracias por la reseña. Tomó nota. Te mando un beso.

  8. Sounds good - Christine

  9. I have read this one! I really liked Nora and found the story easy to get swept away in. I haven't read Mad Wolf's Daughter, but it's on my TBR. Thanks for sharing your review and giving me a chance to talk about the book with you. Haha. :)

    1. Kasey- I am SO glad to hear that you enjoyed Nora's story too. Definitely an easy story to get swept into. The author did a great job setting the scenes and moo. I hope you enjoy the Mad Wolf's Daughter too! Thanks for visiting. :)

  10. Both the book and the author are new to me. Sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing.

    1. The Armchair Squid- Happy to introduce you! :)

  11. I really enjoyed this and Mad Wolf's Daughter. I need to make some time for audiobooks. I'm just a faster reader than listener but do enjoy them.

    1. Glad to hear that you have read this book and the Mad Wolf's Daughter and enjoyed them both. One thing I like about audio books is I can listen while I am doing other things (in the car or cleaning) and sometimes it forces me to slow my reading down a bit and notice things. :)

  12. Interesting, and yes if adults die then I guess those kids has to train

    1. Blodeuedd- Definitely an interesting concept! :)

  13. Sounds like an intricately written book. I'm not a fantasy fan--but I bet the audio book is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Carol Baldwin

    1. Carol- It really was fabulous to listen to!

  14. Sounds a fun story, and I love the idea of the shadow beasts. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Valinora- I think you will really enjoy this book! :)

  15. Thanks for sharing this, it sounds a good read.

    Happy summer wishes.

    All the best Jan


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