Monday, July 29, 2024

Views From the Pond: April/May/June 2024


We'll see if I ever get to doing a Views From the Pond post with two months worth of pictures. Goals! Watching the changing light as spring was sprouting up everywhere was magical. I saw changes in the woods and foliage all around the pond. Each day a little more green filled in. So amazing to watch it all enfold. The days got longer and I tried to enjoy every extra minute of each day. Having a little more outside time after work makes a big difference in my stress level. Hope seeing some of the views over the last few months will give you a sense of peace, too. 

April 2024

A hawk in the tree.

Just a little bit of snow- thank goodness. I was ready for spring!

Morning views as I leave for work. Love the way the light streams in and falls on everything.

So different from the way the pond looks after work! 

Reflections in the water bring me so much happiness. 

The brook is full!

SO hard to leave for work when I just want to sit and watch the pond.

The magnolia tree (s) look so beautiful when they are blooming. Nice nighttime light. 


Love the spring colors everywhere!

Lord and Lady Quackerly out for a stroll. 

Deer grazing.

Off to work! 

So green!

We came home and a heron was in our pond. We watched and were mesmerized for a long time.

We had to have 5 trees taken down. Lots of wood (this is from one tree) 

A woodchuck out in the yard. He swam so fast down the brook. It was awesome to watch!

The woodchuck running in the yard. Faster than I would have expected!

I love when the yellow daylilies come out. 

We had work to do under the magnolia. We had so much rain after we first cleared it that weeds started growing before we could put anything down. 

All weeded and we got the mulch down! Yay!


Love the blue!

We watched the baby deer learning to walk. Lots of wobbling and stumbling- but amazing! 

Momma and her baby. 

We hav 5 baby bunnies and they hop around and play with each other. If I try to go outside to take a picture they hop to safety. So- this was through the window. 

Full Moon-  I couldn't capture the gorgeous color and light surrounding it.

Our heron hanging by the pond. 

June ended with a very full brook and pond!

It's hard to believe that (as I am writing this) tomorrow is July. I am happy summer is here and plan to enjoy the longer days and evenings while they are here. I know it is a busy summer ahead with lots of friends and family visiting from all over the world. Luckily I can have some nice down time sipping on coffee looking at the pond each day, and I hope to read some books out there too. Cheers to summer. Thanks for sitting by the pond with me and catching up! 


  1. Beyond beautiful. Many thanks. Solace and heartbalm in your own backyard.

    1. EC- Glad you enjoyed the pictures. I do appreciate having the solace and heartbalm right outside my door. :)

  2. How wonderful to have a pond to explore wildlife and see the seasonal changes by. What a beautiful book reading location too.

    1. Brenda- It really is wonderful to have a spot to sit and explore nature. It is perfect for reading! :)

  3. How wondrous. No wonder you hate to leave for work.

    1. Sandra- It makes leaving for work sooooooo much harder! :)

  4. So beautiful. I'd love to have a pond in my yard.

    1. Kelly- Thanks! I never knew I wanted a pond- but I love having one for sure. :)

  5. I love these posts. I don't have that much greenery around here and I just love it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Mary- Glad I could share some greenery with you! Different views and scenery are always fun. :)

  6. Replies
    1. Authors with Advice- Thanks for stopping by! :)

  7. Absolutely stunning photos! You live in a beautiful part of the world, and I am so envious of all those animals at your doorstep! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Valinora- Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed the photos. I get excited every time I see an animal outside. :)

  8. Wow so much happening during a year

  9. It's been a big year for rabbits up our way. I generally figure that means either more food, fewer predators or both. Of course, I also feel we've seen more birds of prey this summer so maybe it's the food. Anyway, everyone's eating - a good sign.

    1. The Armchair Squid- I agree that everyone eating is a good sign. We have seen way more rabbits than last year- so I agree it's either more food or less predators. Lots of food for sure- so I am happy for the rabbits on that end. :)

  10. Beautiful photos showing the beauty of your surroundings at various times of the year, tfs! I bought the book about the shadows you show-cased recently. I loved it, I'm probably too old for children's books, but who cares!! Have a great week! Hugs!

    1. Valeries- I am so glad you got the Secret of the Shadow Beast and enjoyed it. You are definitely not too old for children's books. I think they are perfect for all ages. I read at least one a week! :)

  11. Thanks for showing us all your amazing photos. And what views!

  12. All beautiful photos. That looks like a wonderful project! Watching nature unfold its beauty is such a calming experience. I’m sure your Views From the Pond post will be full of magical transformations and serene moments.

    I just posted a new blog post at I invite you to read. Thank you!

    1. Melody- Thanks so much! I look forward to visiting your blog.

  13. Hi DMS - I'm so pleased you're enjoying life in your new home ... it looks wonderful and yes the colours in the countryside are just beautiful. What fun - lots of littlies around ... and now you can enjoy the summer ... happy days with friends and family - cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary. Hope you have been having a wonderful summer as well!


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