Thursday, June 20, 2024

Views From the Pond: January/February/March 2024

 I am trying to meet my goal of doing my Views From the Pond posts every two months. But, alas, here we are with three months of pictures.  January came in with some snow and the temperatures went down for a bit. We had one weekend that was in the single digits. Brrr! The snow was VERY wet and heavy. Still we were lucky and got to enjoy many snow free days and some nicer than usual temperatures. After all the rain we received in December (15 inches)- we were surprised to get another 12 inches throughout the month. It was wet! The pond was full and the brook was babbling! 

There are many pictures of my views. So thankful for this calm setting.

January 2024

A beautiful snowstorm, but the snow was SO heavy it weighed down the branch so that it brushed the ground. 

It's hard to leave for work when I see this out my door. 

Our weather station and in the pond a large branch can be seen. It broke off during the heavy snow. 

February 2024

More heavy snow! Beautiful for sure. 

Love watching the light change! So different from moment to moment. 

Limbs in the water! 

More limbs around the base of the tree. She really shed during the snowstorm!

Lord and Lady Quackerly are back with a friend. The first time I saw them was 2/7, but I have been lucky enough to see them almost every morning before I leave for work. I get to watch them for much longer on the weekends. They are so cute swimming around.  

March 2024

The limbs were so large and wet that we knew getting them out was going to be a challenge.

We had to buy a grapple to get this large tree limb out of the pond. It was heavy and waterlogged after being stuck in the pond for months (much heavier than I expected). We had to put a cord around it and pull it all the way out using a pickup truck. What a process! 

Lord and Lady Quackerly

So many pine cones this year!

Can you spot the hawk in the tree? It landed on the branch after silently swooping just over our heads! It was quite the surprise!

Hard to believe, but it was another rainy month. We got 3 inches the last week of March alone! 

I hope you enjoyed sitting by the pond with me for a little while. Hope you enjoyed some of the sights! Soon I will share picture of spring in bloom and the start of summer!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. those snowy photos look refreshing in the heat we're experiencing (and we're not as bad as most because of the elevation)

  2. Beyond beautiful. I was very happy to sit by the pond with you - thank you.
    I am sad about the tree limbs though.

  3. Sorry you lost some limbs but the snow is beautiful. The shots with the sunlight creeping out are spectacular.

  4. Your photographs are beautiful, almost magical!

  5. El bosque es muy lindo. Me gustaron las fotos y como se ve el paso del tiempo. Te mando un beso.

  6. Beautiful photographs, especially the ones showing the reflections.

    All the best Jan

  7. Believe me, here in the heat dome I'm thrilled to see snow pix (and I'm not even that fond of it when it snows!) But they are cooling -- and also very lovely!

  8. That would be such a nice place to sit and relax. I love the snow pictures.

  9. What a beautiful spot! It would be hard not to be inspired with that view outside the window.

  10. I enjoyed sitting by the pond with you very much:) Lord and Lady Quackerly. Too funny:)

  11. Nice pictures. We never had much snow this past winter. We live near a creek and we enjoy watching the ducks, geese, birds, deer and other wildlife that live here.

  12. Hi Jess - wonderful place to live ... but country living has its work too! I know how heavy tree limbs are - I had to move some for my uncle when he was in hospital - after a storm. The weather is certainly changing ... you'll be enjoying early summer now, I hope, with lots of wonders appearing ... and many more critters - take care and enjoy - cheers Hilary


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