Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Do the Partners in Crime Have What it Takes?

When best friends Norah and Darcy decide to create a fake detective agency for a school project they aren’t planning on solving any cases. All they want is a good grade. But, after they present their project to the class, they get an email asking them to help find a long lost twin. Since Darcy loves mysteries and Norah likes helping people, they decide to go ahead and open up their agency, Partners in Crime, to figure out who needs their help and why. As they begin to crack the case, they take notice of the kids in their class and try to decide if the case is real or just something to make them look foolish. Is there really a case? What will they uncover as they put their skills to the test? What will they witness and how will that impact the case? Will Darcy and Norah be able to put the pieces together before it is too late? Read this book to see if you can crack the case along with them! 

Sleuth or Dare: Partners in Crime by Kim Harrington is a book that allows the reader to join the characters in solving a mystery. Norah and Darcy are both really smart and don’t have many friends. But, they don’t care because they have each other. Opposites in so many ways, they each have unique characteristics that made them easy to connect with right from the start. When their agency is on the case, I enjoyed solving the mystery and making sense of the clues. I recommend this book for kids in fourth through seventh grade. Anyone who likes a challenge will have fun examining each clue and trying to solve the first case in the series. Throughout the book I was reminded of why it is important to be surrounded by friends, and  I learned that being a witness to something can change things in ways you could never imagine. At the end of the book we learn that there is more in store for the dynamic duo and I look forward to seeing where their future investigations take them. Oh- and I LOVE the cover!  (I can totally relate to it.)
Has anyone else read Sleuth or Dare: Partners in Crime? Or have you read another book by Kim Harrington? We would love to hear your thoughts! 

Happy Reading! ~L


  1. I also adore this cover and the book. It's very Nancy Drew. I'm so adding it to my tbr list. I haven't read a good detective story in a long time. I especially like this one because it's two friends working together and balancing each other out. Thanks for this review (:

    1. Adriana- It is a fast read, too! If you like Nancy Drew- then you will enjoy the mystery in this one. The cover is just awesome! :) ~L

  2. Great cover, without a doubt it makes me want to read the book.

    1. Petty- The cover is what first caught my attention too! :) ~L

  3. I haven't heard of this book, but it sounds awesome. I love mysteries like that. :)

  4. There are so many good middle grade mystery books out right now. I haven't read this one yet, but it's going on my TBR list right now! :)

    1. Dena- There are a lot of great mg mysteries out there. I hope you get to read this one soon. :) ~L

  5. Thanks for posting about this book. I'm adding to my TBR.


  6. I haven't read any of her books yet, but this is such a cute novel premise! Middle-graders love mysteries with a fresh twist.

    1. Catherine- This is my first one by her. It is a fast story that kids can fly through. ;) ~L

  7. Sounds perfect for my class - off to check it out!

    1. Jemi- Definitely a great book for a 5th grade classroom. :) ~L

  8. Love the title and the story sounds great.

  9. This looks like something I would have loved when I was younger! Putting it on my list for my nieces :)

    1. Meradeth- I hope your nieces enjoy it! :) ~L

  10. I adored kid's mysteries when I was young. I read all the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books and would've snatched up Kim's book in a heartbeat! Congrats, Kim. Good luck! :-)

    1. Lexa- I read all of the Nancy Drew books too! I think you would have loved this one too! :) ~L

  11. I've long placed this book with a very lovely cover in my wishlist. I'm waiting for a print copy to hit the local bookstores.

    1. Nancy- The cover is lovely. I hope it hits the local bookstores soon. :) ~L

  12. I love books that solve mysteries. I haven't read this one, but down it goes on that list without end!

  13. I've read it too and loved it. You made very good points in your review. I have the other two books on my list. :)


    1. Akoss- I am glad that you read and enjoyed this one. It is nice to hear from others who have read the same book. I don't have the other two yet- but I look forward to reading them. :) ~L

  14. I can understand why you're so taken by the cover. The title and synopsis sound good and I'll see if there's a copy in my library. One of my students loves a good detective story!

    1. Claudine- The cover is just beautiful. Every time I see it I love it even more. :) I hope the library has a copy for your student! :) ~L

  15. Very enticing cover and the story sounds excellent. I think I will take a leaf out of Claudine's book and see if the local library has a copy.

  16. This book sounds sooooo cute. I'm adding it to my list now. Thanks for spotlighting it here =D

  17. Heidi- I thought the name seemed familiar- and I bet it was from reading your review. She is a YA author who is doing some MG books. :) ~Stephanie


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