Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday's Riddle! Who's on the Bus?

Hello Monday Riddlers! Here's this weeks puzzle. Can you guess the theme? The answer is probably closer than you think ; ) ~ F

A star is born, we will say, then we guide you on your way. From the heavens, passed along, fly the colors of our song. You share our looks and our name. We hope for you to win the game. We hand you tools and point the way; teach you lessons every day. On this fleeting ride with us, you won't miss the cosmic bus. We hold you deep in our hearts, and wish for you the leading parts. 

Who are we? 

Here's a fun clue!  


  1. Thinking ... my poor brain just got an *error* message lol

    I'm going to guess Angels or souls, but am probably WAY off base ;)

    Another awesome riddle, Jess <3

  2. My guesses ranged from teachers to theater performers to armymen. LOL But I think Kelly is right about the parents being the speakers :)
    So much fun!!

  3. I will guess "parents" also, but I'm not sure I could have come up with it on my own!

  4. I thought it might be teachers.

  5. Hm, I'm thinking parents? Great riddle, as always!

  6. I haven't looked at anyone else's guess. Immediately I thought of my parents.

  7. The parents have my vote. Unlike Bish, I looked at the other answers. I've become shameless in my pursuit of the right answer to your riddles.

  8. Since there are three on the bus with her I am going to say parents and teacher.

    1. ...though I REALLY wanted to guess parents and Grandma. ;D

  9. Hop on the cosmic bus with us this week! You guys are all just like family : ) The answer to the riddle is posted- great job guessing everyone! ~ F

  10. Wow, I'm not sure I would have got this one.


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