Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Answer to Monday's Riddle!

Okay- so I was right- Lizzy figured it out in about 2 minutes- BUT, back to SCHOOL! I hope everyone has a great year! ~F

Monday's Riddle:
Lucky thirteen forged the way. 
In the 17th century, I was here to stay. 
Four walls and a roof marked my humble start.
To teach the children, and set them apart. 
What am I? Answer: School


  1. Day 2 of School! I really hope we don't have bad winter 'cuz my region's ALREADY lost 4 days!!! ughh. if anythings going to get worse it's the winter!

  2. I hear ya about the winter thing! Day 2 was okay for me-my friend Banner has already set himself up for an interesting year-2 checks on the first day- LOL-

  3. HA! Banner IS hilarious though- Looking forward to boasting about your Dad in science this year Marcus? ~ F


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