Monday, September 30, 2019

Margo's Musings: What Will Frog Decide to Do?

My little sister, Margo, loves frogs and mimicked them all summer. It was no surprise when she went right for There’s Nothing to Do when she saw it on display at our local library. Not only does it have a big frog on the cover, but she’s already read I Don’t Want to Be a Frog by Dev Petty and loved it.   

Frog doesn’t want to do anything. Swimming, nah. Play with toys, nope. He has an excuse for every suggestion from his family. When he goes to his friends to help him find something to do, he's even more frustrated. Nothing anyone says appeals to him. It seems that just because a friend wants to do something, it doesn’t mean that Frog wants to do it too. He realizes the day is almost over, and he didn’t do anything at all. He's distraught until someone asks him why he has to do “something”. They tell him to put NOTHING on his to do list, and then check it off when he’s done. 

Will Frog like doing nothing? Will he get anything out of it? I bet you know the answer, but you should read the book to find out exactly what happens.

Image copyright Mike Boldt, 2017, text copyright Dev Petty, 2017

There’s Nothing to Do
written by Dev Petty and illustrated by Mike Boldt is a book that will make you laugh. We all know someone like Frog who can’t find something to do, but they won't take any suggestions. I love how Frog realized that doing nothing is not only okay, but a lot of fun! I look around and think people seem stressed, always busy doing something, but there is joy and peace in not being busy. People would be happier if they watched the sky or sat and enjoyed the sound of nature each day. 

The book has beautiful pictures with bright colors and appealing images. I think that parents, teachers and babysitters would want this book on hand for the times that kids are feeling anxious to be busy. Best of all- I think after reading the book people everywhere should put “NOTHING” on their to do lists. What an accomplishment! Next time my sister is feeling antsy, I can tell her to be like Frog and do nothing! I am sure she'll give a few "ribbits" while she does it, but she'll do it and feel happy. 

Image copyright Mike Boldt, 2017, text copyright Dev Petty, 2017

Has anyone else read 
There’s Nothing to Do?  Or have you read another book by Dev Petty? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Listen to the story being read aloud here!

Happy reading!
~ F


  1. This sounds cute! I think my grandson would enjoy the story! I'll look for it for a possible Christmas gift!


    1. Betty- It is a really cute and fun story. I hope your grandson likes it too. :) ~F

  2. Sounds like a great children's story! have a great, new month, hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- It is! We hope October is wonderful to you too! :)

  3. Well, he's obviously good at doing nothing!

  4. Sometimes doing nothing is just what the doctor ordered. It does sound like a heap of fun, and I love the thought of Margo ribbiting as she busily does nothing.

    1. EC- Doing nothing is so much fun. Looking at clouds, soaking in nature. Just sitting, being, and watching. Love it! :) ~F

  5. Sure sounds like a fun one. Doing nothing is called for many a time too.

    1. Pat- I think we all need to do more nothing! :) ~F

  6. How adorable. I may try it. Put nothing to do on my "to do" list. See if I can do it. The book sounds great. Thanks for telling us about it.

    1. Beverly- I think putting nothing on our to do lists will be good for our souls. Just take the time to sit and look around or just be. :) ~F

  7. I haven't read it but it sounds good.

    1. Mary- A fun book to read with kids for sure! And a good lesson. :) ~F

  8. I will definitely check this out. It looks perfectly adorable. Thanks for telling me about it.

    1. Rosi- I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! :) ~F

  9. Sounds fun. Wish I had someone to get it for.

    1. Natalie- It is a fun one and a good lesson. :) :) ~F

  10. This sounds a wonderful children's book.
    Many thanks.

    All the best Jan

  11. My kids would be all over this book, helpful too since they've been so "bored" lately. Thanks for the rec! :)

    1. David- If a kid tells you they are bored you can hand them this book and they should find something or nothing to do. :) ~F

  12. Replies
    1. Magic Love Crow- The book is so vibrant and fun! Hugs back! :) ~F

  13. This looks awesome. Thanks for posting!

    1. Love Affair w/Food- Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by! :) ~F

  14. Love the frog! I wonder how he'll deal with Nothing to do?

    1. Lee- You will love what he decides to do! Hope you can check this one out. :) ~F

  15. A colleague of mine has a line worth remembering: boredom is a choice.

    1. The Armchair Squid- That quote makes sense to me. :) ~F

    2. I've always believed one should take responsibility for one's own amusement. I never travel without three books and a deck of cards.


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