Monday, August 6, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: A Thick Slice...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Plain for me! 😉 ~F

Two foods dressed up in a similar c, mingle together before you and me. A slice looks rich; creamy and thick—plain or fruity depends what you pick. Drizzled with raspberry or chocolate mixed in— at the end of the meal, you'll sport a grin. 

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer.

I gave you a clue!


  1. Souffle? No idea. First thought was pancakes and waffles.

  2. Cheesecake! I just know it’s cheescake! That’s a springform pan!

  3. Some cake or pie. I suck at food haha

  4. I know this one for sure! Cheesecake :)

  5. H DMS - I think I agree with clever Patty ... cheesecake ... I'd got the cake bit - but the rest ... anyone's guess. Cheers Hilary

  6. Cheesecake. A slice every couple of years is enough for me.

  7. As usual, I'm clueless. One day, I'm going to know the answer.

  8. A 'similar c'? Hmm! I'm going with the others and cheesecake.

  9. Cheesecake, my hubby’s favourite

  10. Since you gave a springform pan as the clue, I'd have to say cheesecake.

  11. Well I'm guessing what it's supposed to be buy my brain when a thick slice of pizza. Heh

  12. The clue wasn't a great one for me since my hubby is a master dessert maker and uses a spring form pan for so many different ones, but I'll go with cheesecake. That was actually the first thing he made for me, a white chocolate, raspberry cheesecake.

  13. Is it cheesecake? I'm not really a fan. One bite is divine, the second is a bit cloying and by a third bite I feel sick....

  14. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~F

  15. I was going to say cake but I think it's cheesecake! Big Hugs!

  16. Yeah, I have no idea, haha :D But some type of cake ;p As always, awesome riddle. <3


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