Monday, May 21, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: House of Dough...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? I think it's exciting when we have this for dinner. 😉 ~ F

Hungry for something good and sweet? Not sure what you want to eat? Take a bite of ironed dough—Belgium is the place to go. More exciting than an egg; break fast slow for syrup keg—powered sugar on the fly or fruit galore piled high. Many ways to serve this dish, but I wouldn't want it topped with fish.

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer.

I gave you a clue!


  1. This sound like waffles, yummy! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Yes - good riddle ... a waffle by any other name ... delicious especially if there isn't any fish involved! Cheers Hilary

  3. I am with everyone else. But don't like them.

  4. A waffle, but as a waffle cone would be perfect right about now. Have a lovely week.

  5. I'm clueless. Everyone else seems to know. And I like waffles. :)

  6. A waffle ... lovely with some vanilla ice-cream

  7. Yep. Waffles. I have a cookbook of only waffle recipes. I had no idea you could do so many things with them.

  8. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  9. A little late to this, but I say waffles!

    All the best Jan

  10. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  11. I didn't really get it, haha, until I saw some comments :D And waffles it is ;) Great riddle. <3


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