Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday's Riddle: It's Golden...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? With a two year old sister in the house, this is hard to find. ; ) ~ F

If noise is too much, I'm what you need. A blissful nothing for your head to heed. A golden idea, but no color found; quiet and thoughtful is this sacred ground. Crickets appear on the scene; they're not real, it's in what you mean. Sit, relax, and take a drink. In this space you can think.

What am I? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!


  1. Wow...I am so out of practice with these...I have no clue!

  2. I'm going to guess silence, there's very little of this with children... lol

    Happy Monday ♡♡♡

  3. I was thinking of an audiobook with the headphones, but silence makes more sense. Happy Monday.

  4. I agree with Valerie - peace and quite! x

  5. I'm going with silence. Isn't there a phrase that says silence is golden?


  6. My first thought was noise-canceling headphones, LOL! But I'll agree with everyone else that it's probably silence.

  7. I'm getting me some of those. I love to cancel out the noise around me when I'm writing.

  8. Not a sound was heard, silence flipped all the bird

  9. Silence! Good ol' peace and quiet. Love it! Have a wonderful week, ladies :)

  10. Silence ... or my happy place! :)

  11. I think in music but can be silence ! I love silence :)

  12. I was actually thinking headphones and then I saw the image. Headphones keep out noise so I will say it is the sound of silence

  13. Silence. (I looked, so it doesn't count.)

  14. My first thought was "I have no idea, but I want some!" And silence sounds golden for sure!

  15. Hi DMS - no idea ... but mufflers and silence is golden - well I shall wait and see ... cheers Hilary

  16. Excellent guessing! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  17. I have no idea.. ack :) But lovely riddle. <3


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