Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Star Light, Star Bright...

Marten is on a trip to Texas with his family to look for a new home. Luckily, he gets to bring his best friend, Paul, along. While watching the meteor shower Marten can't help but get frustrated with his younger brother, Aldrin. How could he bring one of Marten’s valuable collector’s items on the trip without asking? When the toy breaks Marten wishes his brother away. But Marten doesn't believe in wishes, so he doesn't think it matters. It isn't long before Marten and Paul realize that something did happen when Marten made the wish. When a visitor from a distant land comes to try and help, Marten becomes even more confused. All he knows is that he needs to get his brother back and unmake the wish. Is time travel possible? What will happen if Marten goes back to the wrong place and time? Is there a way for him to mess things up even more than they already are? Will Marten ever see his brother again? Take the plunge and dive into this book to find out what happens next!

Wish You Weren't by Sherrie Petersen is a book that many kids will be able to relate to, especially kids with brothers or sisters. I think most people have wished a sibling gone a time or two, especially in the middle of a fight. Most of us never think about what would happen if our brother or sister was really gone. Reading about this experience through Marten's eyes made me realize that maybe we should be a little more careful with what we wish for. It was fun seeing how Marten and Paul tried to solve the problem and how they attempted to get Aldrin back. I also like how they learned different pieces of information from jumping around to try to stop the wish from happening. I know if I ever get the chance to time travel I need to give everything some thought and think through my plan carefully! I recommend this book to kids in fourth grade and up. Because of the time travel piece it does have some science-fiction aspects to the book, so kids and adults who like sci-fi will enjoy this one. Based on the way the book ends I think there may be a second book in the making. I can’t wait to check out Marten’s next adventure.

Have you read Wish You Weren't? Or have you read another book by Sherrie Petersen? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Stop by on Friday to read our interview with Sherrie Petersen and enter the GIVEAWAY to win your own copy of Wish You Weren't!

Happy Reading!

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  1. I have certainly wished my brothers gone - and they may. In a boys own annual dated the year of my birth one of them carved how much he disliked me - the words went through many, many pages. These days? He is my favourite brother and we are very close.
    The premise of Wish You Weren't is certainly true to my life - thanks for the heads up.

  2. I don't know about wishing my sister gone but I can remember wishing she was my brother.

    Sounds like a great read and I love the cover.

  3. I haven't read this book but I have often wondered if I would want to time travel... I'm not sure I would want to mess up my future or present... interesting concept ♡ xox

  4. Cute plot :) I have a sister and a brother, both older. I don't remember in our youth wishing them away. I did wish my sister would have played more with my brother and me though.


  5. I LOVE this book. Glad to see you spreading the word on this one. It looks like it got a new cover since I read it. Please let someone else win since I already have it.

  6. You know..I don't remember wishing my brother gone but i don't doubt it. The book sounds like it is fun to read

  7. What a perfect idea for kids who sometimes wish their siblings would disappear. Time travel sounds like fun.

  8. I read Sherrie's book. It's very enjoyable.

  9. Wish You Weren't sounds fascinating! I'm going to have to check into that one. I don't remember wishing my sister would disappear...I just remember always worrying my mom liked her more than me!

  10. I love the whole premise of this book! What fun. As an only child I always wanted a sibling - so how fun to wish them away!

  11. I have read this but it was in another cover. The story was quite memorable. I don't think I've wished for any sister to be gone, but I might have thought of myself being gone.

  12. I haven't read it, but sure sounds like a good read.

  13. This sounds wonderful! Thanks so much for putting this on our radar :)

  14. I love time travel books! This sounds like a really fun read, and a great review!

  15. I think a lot of siblings have definitely wished for one or two of them to disappear, and in the end they find out that they would much rather that never happened, so I can understand that! I also really like the idea of wishes coming true. If I had a wish that would come true, it would take me a while to think about what I would want...

  16. Thanks for the great review! And yes, there is a new adventure coming :)

  17. This reminds me of Zathura if he really went through with the wish. I'm sure Marten learned a lot along the way of trying to get his brother back. I wonder who the visitor is and what his place is on the story. Got me really curious about this one girls (:


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