Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday's Riddle: Creeping In...

Hello Riddlers! It's almost Halloween! Can you guess our theme this week? Here's what we think scares you the most. ; ) ~ F

Scuttling out from the dark, I'll seek you out for a lark. I've lots of eyes to find my way, and lanky legs that stick and stay. I crawl right up and stare at you, watching carefully what you'll do. Most will scream, some will run, whatever happens, it's always fun. I don't know why you think I'm so scary- I didn't ask to be this hairy. After all, I can come in handy- I eat buzzing things just like they're candy. Also, I'm lucky- just ask Anasi. I've been called clever, tricky, and I'm known to be sassy. But, alas, when asked what frightens you most, I was called out even more than a ghost.

What am I?

I gave you a clue! 


  1. A spider or as we call them in our house Boris.

  2. I'm going to say a spider, though maybe it could be a hairy gecko! :D

  3. Love Ron's face there! Of course this is spiders!

  4. Riddle me this and riddle me that. A spider really should have its own web site.....

  5. Little Miss Muffet comes to mind. That spider sent her off her tuffet, didn't it? What is a tuffet anyway/

  6. Ewww, a spider. And you're right, they are scarier than ghosts!

  7. +JMJ+

    LOL! I love your clue! =D

    My guess is spiders. ;-)

  8. Yeah.. a spider! I think. They are pretty creepy :D Awesome teaser. <3

  9. Spiders!!
    I tried not to overthink this one...

  10. A tarantula came to mind as I was reading the clues and running across one scares me out of my wits so I'll have to say spider also. :)

  11. Yes...a spider...finally a nice easy!

  12. That is just so cool, loved it, I'm a bit late to make a guess so I will just say, It was "You Beaut" To visit you today and ladies I hope the spider stay away. agman

  13. SPIDERS!!! (of course I'm late so...)


  14. Excellent guessing Riddlers! The answer posted on the web : ) ~ F

  15. Yes, the "web" :) Spider-Man has his own web site...


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