Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Answer to Monday's Riddle! Visiting Memory Lane...

Pat & Pru Morrow
A good memory, kept : ) 
Fabulous guessing Riddlers! I love the creative thinking- 1st draft is brilliant, Lee! However, it was Joanne Fritz that guessed correctly with her answer of memory, and yes, my first one was a smell. It wasn't a pleasant smell, but rather a somewhat pungent odor that I can still easily distinguish today- it's the scent of a dead mouse in a house. I have thought long and hard about this memory, and I think I must have been about two or three when it all went down, but when I trace everything all the way back as far as I can remember, that's what I come up with- fascinating!

We are shining our bright lights on the world this week, thanks to the spirited writer, Gueh Yanting, Claudine and her unique children's book Brightness Sailors: Bit by Bit. This story focuses on children learning to understand their elders as they navigate through the changing tides of memory loss. It's a touching book that resonates within all of us, especially those who have known a close family member that has suffered from dementia. Stop by our Sunday post to hear our stories of the people who have helped to fill our worlds with joy.

Lizzy's review will be a trip down memory lane, and Thursday, we have something special planned for Top of the Heap. Friday, Margo has her luminescent beam ready to spotlight this excellent new book, and Saturday on The DMS Wants to Know, we hope that you will hop onboard our twinkling ship and tell us a tale or two of your own! Happy reading people! See you all around the book block ; ) ~ F

Dreams and notions go streaming by- catch them quickly with your naked eye. Chart the scene in inky thought and connect the dots how you're taught. It makes no difference, the world around, when lost inside familiar ground. You and me, we have such time to watch ourselves learn the rhyme. When floating easy in your space, view a clip, and know my face.  

What am I? Answer: Your Memory

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations  

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Available in all e-book formats
Download for only .99¢ on Smashwords

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Brightness breezing by you today...


  1. Lol, guessed this one wrong. Looks to be another good week with DMS.

  2. Another great riddle...that I guessed wrong :) Have a terrific week.

  3. Wow. I don't know why I try :P
    One day I will get you right! I am so bad at riddles lol.

  4. And here I was thinking I'd nailed it this time! Keep 'em coming. I refuse to give up. :-)

  5. It wouldn't let me comment on Monday, but safe to say I was way off...

  6. Great answer, wow! I'm not good at this, but sure do enjoy it. I also love Claudine's work and am so happy you are spotlighting it.

    Paul R. Hewlett

  7. Ah, I missed the riddle yet again. But it's still fun to try to guess them. :)

  8. It was so fun reading everyone's guesses. (I doubt I would have gotten it right if I hadn't known your theme for this week. Really bad with riddles.) Looking forward to the rest of the week. Sunday's was such a special post. :)

  9. I actually thought it was a memory when I read it yesterday :D And I suck at riddles. lol. Thank you for sharing ;) It was an awesome riddle ;p
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  10. Oops I got it wrong again! Must try harder next time.

  11. Wow! I can't believe I actually got it right! Thanks.


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