Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday's Riddle! A Common Thread

Hello Riddlers! Here's this week's puzzle. Can you guess the theme? A light bulb just went off inside my head ; ) ~ F

I'm a simple spark, and your head is clear. Now, there's space to think, feel, and hear. I am very bright when shown as is, and I seize the moment for all who live. I show you a way and get things going- paving the path as you stand there knowing. I am something great when you're living the dream, stitching my thread into the flow of life's seam. If you feel struck, and then inside do glow- what it is that I am, surly you'll know.

What am I?

I gave you a clue! 


  1. Replies
    1. All I can think of is an idea or action. Inspiration makes sense too.

      I can't publish when I'm next to the facebook like so I am making this a reply.

  2. Idea! Though there are times I'm not sure I know what those feel like. :-D

  3. An idea would be my guess. Another awesome riddle!

  4. Heeeh. Awesome riddle :D I still suck at those, though. But I did think of Idea. Or a light, but that is most likely wrong, lol :) Thank you for sharing all these awesome riddles :D
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  5. Is it perhaps an idea...or inspiration? *curious*

  6. Ooh, this is possibly your hardest riddle yet. Totally stumped, I'm going to go with an inspiration/an idea/a thought.

  7. I have no clue at all...other than...a moment of truth! A flash of an idea?

  8. Great guessing everyone! The inspirational answer is posted ; ) ~ F

  9. I honestly thought it was Inspiration! :)

  10. I would never have gotten this if I hadn't seen the answer. Great riddle.


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