Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday's Riddle! Familiar Voices...

Here's the riddle for all of you puzzle solvers out there! Can you guess the theme this week? Listen to these familiar voices to get a clue : ) ~ F

I stalk through the house without a care. I stare you down, then puff up my hair. I am the king of the manor, and I flaunt that around. I sleep in a bed, not on the ground. I eat from a dish that only serves fish, and I climb on top of whatever I wish. I like to complain when dinner is late, and my servants are punished by my nonchalant state. I am smug and revered in this tidy home. The chump that lives with me gets only a bone.

I am the chump that gets the bone, and I mess up the house when left all alone. I can play outside and get snacks when I want- all it takes is a tilt or some silly stunt. I'm not as lofty as my uppity partner, but just as smart- if not smarter! For, it is I who can run outside of the house, while he's left inside entertaining a mouse. So, laugh all you want, chump I may be- Hey! there's a squirrel in that tree!

Who are they? 

I gave you a hint ; )


  1. Cute poems! I don't have either of these but have been around plenty to recognize your clever descriptions of them. My daughter had a cat named Monty and a chocolate lab named Mattie, and your poems sure fit their personalities. Well done!

    1. Hi Connie, How funny! The cat part of the poem was written for a kitty named Monty! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  2. Most certainly a cat and a dog - but do you want the names of characters I wonder? Tom & Jerry? Or maybe you are thinking about a book like Flabby Cat and Slobby Dog by Tony Ross? Or patchwork dog and calico cat by Greta Burroughs. I can’t think of any more, but I bet there are lots.

  3. CUTE! Love the clever poem. And do you have a specific cat and dog in mind???


  4. love the riddle! I only have two kitties myself, but I did have a dog once, so it was easy to figure out the poem. :)


  5. The bone made me think of a dog but the rest of your clever verse had me shouting 'it's a cat'.

  6. Being a cat *owner* (okay, the cat owns ME lol) I got the first one right off the cat ... I mean bat ;D

    And the second one is, of course, a dog (I've been owned for a dog or two as well!).

    Very cute poems! <3

  7. I'm thinking a cat but the bone makes me think dog. Then you said they so my guess would be cats and dogs.

  8. The first is a cat. I'd guess the second is a dog. The first really nails the cat personality.

  9. we have a dog and now they want a cat...

  10. I think I'll go with what Buried With Books said..

  11. Love it - and those cats and dogs :)

  12. First one is a cat and the second is a dog.

  13. Sounds exactly like our cat and dog. Now the cat (Absalom) is glaring at me for saying that.

  14. Fantastic guessing everyone! Yes, those are the voices of what I think a cat and a dog think- lol! Thanks for stopping by to check out the riddle- it's going to be a wagging good week! ~ F

  15. This is brilliant. It's so beautifully written and so true. What a pleasure to read -- thanks!

  16. One of your best riddles! Both descriptions are certainly accurate.


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