Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday's Riddle! Caroling like the Dickens...

A spin on a classic! ~ F

A curmudgeon at best, in his house all alone, greedily hoarding all that he owns. He smiles for no one, he laughs at no jokes. He counts out his money, thinking the holiday's a hoax. He grumbles and complains when the work isn't done, yelling and scolding every last one. Handed a spirit at the stroke of midnight, he takes a good look at his own miserable life. Seeing at last the brilliant light, his mind was lifted to a spiritual height. Generosity of soul, leads to grace, the curmudgeon now saw in every good face. 

Who is the classic character portrayed by the curmudgeon here? 

Check back later if you need to get a clue...


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