Sunday, July 17, 2022

Answer to Fairday's Riddle: Oui, France!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! We're off to France. Tune in Monday to find out how the answer ties into the story. See you all around the book block. ~ F

Langage du coeur. 

Oui, oui, une fleur. 

Locks on bridges, lost the keys. 

S'il vous plait, pass the cheese. 

Where am I referring to? Answer: France! (Paris counts) 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Fairday's Riddle: Locks and Love...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess the riddle answer? There were so many interesting and beautiful sights to see on my visit here! ~ F

Langage du coeur. 

Oui, oui, une fleur. 

Locks on bridges, lost the keys. 

S'il vous plait, pass the cheese. 

Where am I referring to? Stop by Sunday for the answer. 

I gave you two clues!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Margo's Musings: Why Did the Snail Cross the Road?

Sometimes we spy snails in my dad's garden. My little sister, Margo, loves them and always stops to talk to them. So, I wasn't surprised when we made our weekly trip to the library and Margo ran over to Snail Crossing by Corey R. Tabor and snatched it up. She hugged it right to her chest with a wide smile. 

In the story, Snail see delicious looking cabbage across the road. It looks far, but Snail isn't about to let that stop him. He scoots off. It's hard work crossing the road, and Snail needs to rest. There's a loud rumbling and the road shakes, but he's okay. Some antsy ants want Snail to move out of their way, and then it starts to rain. Of course, Snail offers them shelter in his shell, and they all have a nice chat about things that make them antsy, like cabbage. Once the weather clears Snail is back on his way- but there are even more obstacles in his way. Will Snail make it to the cabbage? 

This was such a wonderful story. The illustrations are just perfect for the storyline! Margo was rooting for Snail the whole time. I love that Snail moved at his own pace and didn't let his goal of delicious cabbage prevent him from showing kindness to other creatures who needed his help. The story was short and sweet, but showed us about friendship, determination, and perseverance. I would love to have tea inside Snail's shell! It looks so cozy. We have already read this book a couple times and added our own Snail Crossing sign out in the garden. I am sure after reading this Margo will be bringing gifts to the snails out in the garden to help them.

Has anyone else read Snail Crossing? Or have you read another book by Corey R. Tabor? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!
~ F