Monday, December 2, 2019

Fairday's Riddle: Deep Roots...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme? These are a few of my favorite things. :) ~ F

A canopy view from above; cooing song of brushy dove. Stick and move in subtle ways, branching out through sun and haze. Weeping willow, fir, oak, beech; who hears their secret silent speech? Shwooshing, pattering, tinkling words are carried on the wings of birds.

What am I referring to? Stop by Friday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cornucopia of Gratitude...

Peace, love, and abundance to all! 
We are grateful for our readers. 😊
Happy Thanksgiving!🍁

We'll be back next week with more stories and riddles to share.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Margo's Musings: Where Will You Go?

One of my favorite things do is to listen to authors and illustrators talk about their work. I know I always learn so much from them. Not long ago I heard Aaron Becker speak about creating the book Journey. His presentation captivated me. I thought the illustrations were beautiful and amazing. After the talk we got an autographed copy, which is very special. It’s also one of my little sister’s favorite books. Margo LOVES to tell the story and she changes it up all the time.

Journey by Aaron Becker is a wordless picture book that will take you on an adventure. It’s perfect for making up stories and noticing details in illustrations. You will fall in love with the pictures and dream up story lines of your own. In the book a young girl draws a magic door and enters a world where anything can become reality. With the use of her red marker she can create whatever she wants, but she isn't sure how it will all end. You'll have to read along and see where her imagination, and yours, will take you. (Click here to get a glimpse into the story). 

If you ever get the chance to hear Aaron Becker speak- I highly recommend it. His visual presentation will simply blow you away. We heard that Journey is actually the first in a trilogy of wordless picture books and we will be looking for the next two to add to our collection.

Has anyone else read Journey? Or have you read another book by Aaron Becker? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!