Showing posts with label Top of the Heap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top of the Heap. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Top of the Heap!

The World's Lungs
Monday's Riddle was an effort in conservation, and Lizzy's review of Hoot by Carl Hiaasen gave us an owl's eye view with a story about preservation. Friday, get ready, because the Character Book Club is meeting right here! The DMS will be interviewing Pete and Weasel from the new action- packed middle grade novel Alligators Overhead by C. Lee McKenzie. Saturday, we always enjoy hearing from you on The DMS Wants to Know. Today, we thought we would tell you about two conservation efforts we feel are very important to the well being of the world.

This week's top of the heap: Important Conservation Efforts

Fairday: Considering life and all the amazing things hurling through space right now, I thought I would bring up the idea of conserving our stories. The preservation of our ideas; creativity, mysteries, knowledge, etc... all the parts of us that make us real remains vastly important. I think sharing our stories and passing them on is a wonderful form of conservation- the preservation of the idea of us all; where we come from, who we are, what we thought. So keep reading, keep writing, and keep looking for the magic of the day in your own space. Take a trip to a library; life's sanctuary for books ; ) ~ F

I found this online the other day and loved reading it- 

Artwork: Unknown artist

Swallowed Keys

We locked up our wisdom into our bones
And swallowed the keys
They sank in our rivers of blood
And we forgot the maps
Because we had to forget the mysteries
To keep them safe.
We wove our hair into brooms
And swept over our paths
And then burned the earth with our rage
We didn't teach our children
It was the only way to protect them,
we thought
But in them we planted seeds, seeds and keys
And told them stories and riddles and songs
With no roots, just tangled threads
That would take years to unwind
Just enough time
For the rains to fall again
and put out the fires
For the dams to break
For the rivers to flood
For the paths
to be walked again
For the soil to breathe
And as the old bones crumble
Deep beneath the rubble
We find we've always had the keys
Our stories and our maps
Our paths are revealed to some
And the seeds grow again
The threads are unspun 
And woven again.

~ Amara Bronwyn

Lizzy: There are so many wonderful and amazing places being protected and conserved today. One of my favorite conserved places is national parks. I am thankful for the national parks and the land that was set aside for them. I know there have been many influential people who have helped secure the land for future generations, and Theodore Roosevelt was one president who helped establish 5 national parks and he created the United States Forest Service, which just about doubled the amount of protected forests. Altogether he secured and protected about 230,000,000 acres of land. Wow! I have been to a handful of national parks throughout the United States and each one takes my breath away. The vastness of the land, the colors, foliage, and animals are so rich and vibrant that I feel blessed that these parks will be available to me and to future generations for enjoyment. Visiting the national parks has allowed me to see land formations I have never seen anywhere else, as well as to observe animals in their natural habitat. Protecting nature is a gift that keeps on giving! ~ L

"There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness,that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm." ~Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle encouraged us to take a chance, and Lizzy's review of The Million Dollar Shot by Dan Gutman was an open opportunity. Friday, Joan Hiatt Harlow will be stopping by to tell us the story behind her stories Thunder from the Sea and Joshua's Song, and Saturday, we always enjoy hearing from you on The DMS Wants to Know! Today, we thought we'd tell you about a few chance takers we think deserve a shout out. : )

This week's top of the heap: People who take chances! 

Lizzy: There are so many things that people take chances with that change their lives. I have always been fascinated with the solar system, stars, planets, and everything else in the never-ending sky. I would love to be an astronaut and explore other places, but I would be scared for sure. 

Neil Armstrong is someone who took a big risk, which ended up having major payoffs for him and the world. I can’t even imagine going in a space shuttle in the 1960s, knowing that what you are doing has only been done by a handful of people. He had a family and kids to worry about, but he was still brave. I am sure his experience in the armed services helped him have the courage to make such a difficult choice, but what a great decision he made!

Neil was a mission commander of the Apollo 11 moon landing. He not only took the risk to go up in space, but got out of the shuttle and walked on the moon! WOW! Risk after risk, but he took his chance and changed the vision of the world. He had done something people never thought possible. What an inspiration! It reminds me that taking risks helps us to achieve our dreams.

“That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” 
~ Neil Armstrong

Fairday: I'm not picking anyone specific- I would like to mention all the people who embrace their inner creativity- whatever the outlet may be- music, art, writing, juggling, cooking, sewing, dancing, etc., and take the chance to share it with the world, regardless of any criticism that they may receive in return. 

Finding joy in the space you're in right now requires taking a chance on yourself, and that's the bravest thing you can do! Here's a quote I read the other day that I loved...

"The caterpillar thought the world was over until it became a butterfly." 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Happy 4th of July!
Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing holiday with friends and family : )

Monday's Riddle clued you in on the theme, and we're keeping it all in the family this week. Lizzy reviewed A Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm, telling us about a young girl's experiences with a family that wasn't expecting her. Friday, we will be chatting with Elise Broach, author of the intriguing middle grade novel Shakespeare's Secret. Today, we are excited to tell you a little about our family members!

This week's top of the heap: Fun Family members 

Lizzy: My family is full of all kinds of unique characters! One of the relatives I look forward to seeing the most is my Aunt Marian (we call her Forsey). Forsey makes sleepovers at her house so special. We start off with pink lemonade, which she always calls "pink champagne". We make a toast and chat for a while looking out over her backyard. Forsey is a "tell it like it is" sort of person, and it's always interesting to listen to her. She is an avid bird watcher, so she helps me identify the birds we see. I have learned so much from her! Her house is old, and she lets me explore the secret passageway between her room and mine. I like that she always wants to play board games with me, and we laugh and laugh for hours on end. Sleeping over Forsey's house is always an adventure! Here's a shot of us kicking our heels up with some "pink champagne": )  ~ L

Fairday: The person in my family that I want to tell you about is my grandmother, who I call Nana. She is my kindred spirit! Nana is an amazing artist, and one of my favorite things to do is to quietly draw with her. She is also very close to nature, and has taught me so much about plants and animals. She has a fascinating collection of fancy perfume bottles that sit in front of the bay window at her house. She always loves to tell me about how I used to move them around, setting them up as a "Royal Court" when I was little. I can't exactly remember the game, but I know it must have been a blast if I played it for as long as she says- lol! So, in honor of my Nana, I have included a couple of her paintings. * The green bottle was the queen at the royal court- I remember that much! ~ F

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Do you know where this is?
Monday's Riddle set us on a course for adventure, and Lizzy's review of Sea Cutter: Book 1 in The Chronicles of Nathaniel Childe by Timothy Davis took us on a trip into the blue. Friday, we'll catch a wave with Randi Barrow to learn more about her story Finding Zasha, and Saturday, we always enjoy hearing the thoughts that wash up on The DMS Wants to Know. Today, we're raising our masts and setting sail with two haunting boat tales.

This week's top of the heap: ~ Ghostly Boat Stories ~ 

Fairday: A ship with bad luck- The Edmund Fitzgerald. The largest freighter on the Great Lakes had a series of mishaps right from the beginning and met a watery end when it sank on November 9th, 1975.

The mystery of why it sank still remains. No distress signals were sent out, even though the ship was being tossed about in a terrible winter storm. Twenty-nine men perished, and no bodies were ever found.

Gordon Lightfoot's song: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is one of my favorite ballads- it brings the history to life. ~ F

Lizzy: Titanic! The ghostliest boating mystery there is. A timeless tragedy, and yet the characters draw you into their story so easily. I have enjoyed all of the different movie versions, and love learning more about this historical event. It was a terrifying and eye-opening incident that changed the way luxury ships are constructed forever. Can you imagine being on a cruise ship, and then finding out there aren't enough lifeboats on board because they weren't appealing to look at? Scary! ~ L 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle told of tree magic, and Lizzy's review of The Real Boy by Anne Ursu took us on a trip to an extraordinary place called the Barrow. Friday, Kim Harrington will be joining us to chat about her new middle grade mystery Sleuth or Dare, and Saturday on The DMS Wants to Know, we always love to hear your thoughts! Today, we're going to bark about some awesome trees that we've come across.

This week's top of the heap: Ode to the magic of trees...

Fairday & Lizzy: They're so dramatic : ) Enjoy!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle gave us courage, and Lizzy's review of Thunder from the Sea by Joan Hiatt Harlow showed us a brave face. Friday, get ready, because Sharon Creech is stopping by to tell us about the story behind her stories, and Saturday, we can't wait to hear your bold thoughts on The DMS Wants to Know! Today, we thought we'd shout out to those who understand what it means to be brave.

This week's top of the heap: Being Brave!

Do you know who this is? 
Fairday: I think the bravest people are those who aren't afraid to be themselves. It's easy to lose yourself in the world; easy to accept familiar ideas and labels- but, a brave soul sees it all, loves it for what it is, and remains grateful for the chance to be themselves and enjoy life!

My mind skips to the musicians and artists who are brave enough to follow their dreams- immeasurable characters who inspire the spirit and expand the creative space that fills us all, infinatly. : ) ~ F

Lizzy: I think the most courageous people are those who are willing to sacrifice their own safety to save another- firemen, policeman, rescue workers. What these people accomplish is amazing! They are true heroes and the bravest of souls. ~ L

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Galilean Telescope, 1661
We were all witness to Monday's Riddle, and Lizzy's review of Sleuth or Dare by Kim Harrington cracked open the case. Friday, we have something fun in store, and Saturday, we'll witness your thoughts on The DMS Wants to Know. Today, we thought it would be fun to shout out to something that we've been able to witness by just living in the world right now!

This week's top of the heap: Amazing space / cool telescope technology

Fairday and Lizzy: Here's to the awe inspiring space that surrounds our world, and thanks to the many advancements in technology that have given us the insight to know that we are a part of it all! 

We've come a long way! Gran Telescopio Canarias

Witness the amazing expansion of our universe! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's riddle brought us together, and Lizzy's review of Finding Zasha by Randi Barrow reminded us that great things can be accomplished when we work together. Friday, Jess and Stephanie will be stopping by to talk about teamwork, and Saturday, we can't wait to hear from you on The DMS Wants to Know. Today, we thought we'd shout out to a couple of our favorite teams!

This week's top of the heap: Great character teams : )  

Fairday: Well, it's a hard choice for me, because there are so many awesome teams. But, I have to say, I love the team of Minli and Dragon from Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. I found myself wrapped up in Minli and Dragons quest to reach Never-Ending Mountain and talk to the old man in the moon. They become great friends, and their journey together is quite an adventure! The illustrations are beautiful, and I can't wait to read her latest book Starry River of the Sky. I'm sure it is AMAZING : ) ~ F

Lizzy: This was easy for me. There are so many cool teams out there, but I am all for team Potter. I love the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and I think the  DA is awesome too- with a shout out to Neville for being such an essential team mate. Together, they make their world even more magical! ~ L

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Tee hee humans! We took over Monday's Riddle with our spritely spell and shared a tricky tale with you on Lizzy's Review. Friday, gather your wits about you, because we will be whisking you off to a different kind of market, and Saturday, we want to hear all about your magic on The DMS Wants to Know. Today, we thought we would introduce ourselves ; ) ~ Fae

This week's top of the heap: 
The faeries enchanting Fairday's Blog this week!

We must thank the courteous Mr. Brian Froud for gathering these facts about us, so that we can share a few tidbits about ourselves with all of you! They are mostly accurate, except for those parts that humans can't possibly know ; )

My name is Boer, (bo- ere) for all of you humans who can't figure it out. The little naughties have left it up to me to introduce them to thee...

This is a fairy named Fay- always a cowslip at play. Call her once, then call her twice, and a little gold shall suffice!

If you're wise, you'll keep some gold. Perhaps on Friday, your fortune will be told.

This is a fairy sometimes called Jasper. If for some reason you can't find what you're after, pop in a petal and let loose your laughter. What was not there, now can be seen if you keep a sharp eye that surly is keen.

Take care to count the number you've taken, or else find you may find  yourself unpleasently forsaken! 

Melvin is what this creature is called, and he's not very pleasant at all. 
Stay away is what I say or he is sure to ruin your day.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Edward Gorey
Monday's Riddle painted in the theme this week, reminding us to make good art, and Lizzy's review of The Art of Miss Chew by Patricia Polacco inspired us to nurture our creative spirits. Friday, we are very excited to bring you an interview with Patricia Polacco, and Saturday we look forward to hearing your artful comments on The DMS Wants to Know. The Children's Book Week Giveaway Hop is happening on Fairday's Blog, so be sure to stop by the post and enter for your chance to win a fabulous book prize pack- giveaway ends Sunday, May 19th. Today, we thought it would be fun to spotlight a few of our favorite works of art!

This week's top of the heap: 
Awesome works of art & the artists who created them ~

Fairday & Lizzy: Enjoy!

Water Lilies by Claude Monet


Princess Maria Volkonsky by Balthus Klossowski 



And to sprinkle in a little fresh talent...

Unity by David SanAngelo


Edward Gorey 

My idol ; ) ~ F