Monday, October 21, 2024

MMGM: The Clackity by Lora Senf

Evie Von Rathe moved to Blight Harbor after her parents supposedly died in a fire. It is one of the most haunted places in the country, but the ghosts are mostly nice. She lives with her Aunt Des, a ghost hunter. Evie misses her parents, but she doesn't believe they are dead. She loves her aunt and they are very close. Plus, she loves her aunt's best friend, a known witch who runs the town library. It's summer break and the whole summer is before her, until Evie meets her aunt at the old slaughterhouse. She gets a very spooked feeling, and she never wants to go back. Something is very off there. Unfortunately, the next day her aunt is summoned to the old slaughterhouse again and Evie decides to go there to try to stop her. As soon as she sets eyes on her aunt, she watches her disappear. The Clackity comes creeping out of the walls and makes a "very good deal" with Evie, which gives her a chance to try to save her aunt. She enters another world and sees seven houses before her and knows she has to unlock a puzzle to free her aunt. The Clackity is creepy and Evie isn't quite sure what it is or if she should trust it. Worse yet, she finds there is an evil ghost who is after her. Will Evie figure out what to do in each house? Why did the Clackity make the deal with her? Is it really a very good deal? Can Evie save her aunt and avoid the evil ghost? You’ll have to read this spooktacular book to find out.

I have wanted to read The Clackity by Lora Senf since I first saw the amazing cover. I love spooky houses and this cover pulled me right in. The setting of the book was cool, and I could easily imagine the town and its ghosts. The other world Evie goes to is creepy, and I was intrigued by the characters she meets there. I thought Evie was a great character, and I enjoyed her relationship with her aunt. Evie thinks things through and acts from her heart, which made it interesting to see what decisions she makes on her quest. She is so brave! I like the way the book was spooky, but not too scary, and nothing gruesome happened. I would recommend this book to anyone in fifth grade and up who likes to be frightened, likes creepy houses, magic, and fantasy elements. I noticed this is the first book in a trilogy, so I look forward to reading the rest them to find out what else happens to Evie and her family.

Has anyone else read The Clackity? Or have you read another book by Lora Senf? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!

For other MMGM posts, please visit Greg Pattridge's blog.


  1. If it were an adult's tale, it would definitely be creepy and gross. Can't do that to kids, though!

  2. Perfect timing with your review in the spooky time of the year. I haven't read this one, but your review puts it high on my list. Creepy for sure. Thanks for featuring on this week's MMGM.

  3. This sounds great. I will have to try and track the series down.

  4. I love the cover of this book, too! It looks like the perfect October read. Definitely adding this to my list. Thanks for sharing your review!

  5. Ooh. Sounds spooky. Sandra


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