Friday, February 12, 2016

Caught in a Spell!

“Stories never really end, Meggie, even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They don't end on the last page, any more than they begin on the first page.” 
― Cornelia FunkeInkspell

A year has passed and Meggie, Mo, Elinor and Resa are adjusting to their lives now that they are out of immediate danger and Capricorn is gone. Everything changes when Farid shows up in the middle of the night telling them that Basta is still after them and has threatened their lives. This causes a lot of stress, but nothing like what results when Farid convinces Meggie to use her magical voice to read from Inkheart, taking them both into a story she has only dreamed of each day since she heard of it. Finally Meggie gets to see the fairies and the Wayless Woods. But along with these fantastical sights she also encounters many of the dangers. Her mother and father end up in the strange world, along with Basta and other enemies who are out to get them. Mo is nearly killed as soon as he arrives in the story, and he must battle to stay alive. Unfortunately, the man who wrote Inkheart and created such a fascinating world also lives within its pages. He has been telling tales of the Blue Jay, a robber who is out to help the regular people against the powerful Adderhead. Now there is a price on the Blue Jay’s head, and people seem to think Mo is the mysterious robber. Will the Adderhead and his men catch the Blue Jay? Will Mo, Meggie, and Resa be able to survive in the ink world? Should they go back to where they came from? You'll have to read this exciting tale to find out.

I read Inkheart by Cornelia Funke a couple of years ago and very much enjoyed the story. I love the idea of someone being able to read aloud words from a story and have characters come out or people go into a book. Although it had been a few years since I had read the first one I was easily able to fall back into the world Funke created. I listened to Inkspell on audio read by Brendan Fraser. He did a great job with the voices, and I was very engaged in the story. I liked seeing how the characters changed throughout the book. The evil characters are done in a way that I really could not stand them, and of course even the characters I liked made me want to shake them from time to time (especially when I could tell their actions were going to put them in danger). If you have read and enjoyed Inkheart or if you like a layered fantasy story then I definitely recommend this book to you. It's a great book for kids in fourth grade and up to read. One thing is for sure- you will fall into the story and lose the world around you for a while.

Has anyone else read Inkspell? Or have you read another book by Cornelia Funke? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. I read this series years ago and loved it. I really like Cornelia Funke as an author.

    1. Natalie- She definitely takes you to another world. :) ~L

  2. I"m pretty sure I saw Inkheart as a movie. If a book of mine was ever made into a movie, I'd die a happy woman! Wishing Cornelia much success with book two!

    1. Lexa- There is a movie- but I haven't seen it yet. On my list of movies to watch now! :) ~L

  3. Haven't read anything by the author, but this book does sound good :)


  4. I've seen the movie at my sea, that count? lol

    1. Pat- Awesome that you have seen the movie! :) ~L

  5. I read this years ago. I don't remember much, but I do remember that I liked it. Does that count?

    1. Kelly- That definitely counts! Great to know you read and enjoyed it. :) ~L

  6. I have read this one and I just have to say I love the entire series. It'll always hold a soft space in my heart, and I especially love the world building. She does such a great job with that as well as a brilliant story! I can't wait for you to read the finale.

    1. Olivia-Savannah- How awesome that you read and loved the series. Ms. Funke definitely does a fantastic job world building! :) ~L

  7. I read this series a few years ago and loved every word. I haven't read anything else by her but only because of lack of time. One of these days I will get back to her.

    1. Rosi- So glad to hear you read and loved the series too. I think you will like her book Dragonrider when you have a chance to read it. :) ~L

  8. I have read all three but enjoyed the first the most.

    1. Lisa- Wonderful to hear your thoughts! The first book is fantastic for sure! :) ~L

  9. Awesome review :D Yay for enjoying this one. <3 Your review is gorgeous. I have not read these books, but they look so pretty. I'm curious :)

    1. Carina- All the books are very pretty. I think you will enjoy them! :) ~L

  10. Oooh.
    Hooray for stories which don't end.
    This sounds excellent.

  11. Replies
    1. Kelly- Great to know you read and enjoyed it. :) ~L

  12. I haven't read it, but it sounds enchanting. I like the concept.

    1. Medeia- It is a really cool concept and very enchanting. :) ~L

  13. Nope, not heard of the book. However, it seems like a most excellent read. Consider this post shared :)


    1. Gary- Thanks, Gary! It is an excellent read for sure. :) ~L

  14. I have not, but I love stories like that! It's what we hoped would happen when we were reading books as kids.

    1. Stephanie- I definitely have hoped for that too! The story show that we might need to be careful what we wish for and the twists and turns are exciting. :) ~L

  15. I love that quote! That is so true especially for us story lovers. It never ends.

  16. I haven't read her books, but they were favourites of my daughters when they were growing up.

    1. Beth- That is awesome that your daughters love her books. :) ~L

  17. I have heard so many wonderful things about these books that I'm sad to think I haven't managed to get to them yet!

    1. Meradeth- When you get to them I think you will enjoy them. :) ~L

  18. I haven't read either book, but think I'd enjoy them.

  19. Blessings.....
    hmmmmm, sounds intreging. i am currently reading 9 books now - Rewire Your Brain: Think Your Way to a Better Life, The Elfstones of Shannara (The Original Shannara Trilogy, #2), The Big Fucking Secret, The Pilgrimage, Energy Medicine for Women: Aligning Your Body's Energies to Boost Your Health and Vitality, Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini, Principles of Islam, The Wishsong of Shannara (The Original Shannara Trilogy #3)and Start You Own Business After 50 with another 5 i just got from the library so it'll be a while before i get around to this one.

    thanks for sharing.

    “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence”-Rabindranath Tagore

  20. Great to hear that it is a story you can get lost in.

  21. I haven't read that author or book so thanks for letting us know about them.

  22. I haven't read this book but I too like the concept... here's the thing, we read and dream about having the life thinking it is so wonderful, only to find out it has it's perils too... interesting concept xox

    1. Launna- The concept is very cool and you are right- we don't often realize the perils that come with the things we want. :) ~L

  23. I have not read either but they sound like fun reads.

    Happy Valentines......Snuggles:)

    1. Sandra- They are! Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day too! :) ~L

  24. I completely love the quote..and like to think the characters stories continue.

  25. Oh dear, here's another author I've heard of many times and whose Inkheart stories I've seen at the library but haven't gotten around to!

    1. Claudine- When you get to them I will look forward to hearing your thoughts. :) ~L

  26. Heidi- Sometimes it takes a while for me to finish a series- especially when they aren't already out when I start them. :) ~L


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