Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday's Riddle: A Structured Keep...

Hello Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? One of my favorite places to poke around. ; ) ~ F

Boasting grandeur of style and size, I'm sought after like a fabled prize. Built on grounds that stand protected, I'm the thing that gets erected. Crafted with stones piled high; my towers seem to touch the sky. I've passages to nowhere and rooms to sweep, around me runs a moat that's deep. Such a stronghold I'm know to be, that's why so many covet me. In my space there's surly a mystery, depending on who wrote my history. The kingdoms heart is the place to be, and I'm something you'll want to see!

What am I?

I gave you a clue! 

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  1. Has to be a castle! Love the picture of the bridge. I want to walk on it.

  2. Great picture! Definitely going with castle!

  3. Yup, castle, and I do love that bridge photo.

  4. Another vote for castle. The bridge and lily pond are sure pretty.

  5. Definitely sounds like a castle. And the picture looks like the moat.

  6. With the others, I also think a castle.

  7. I was going to say bridge...duh! Or even a drawbridge. But I see the majority opinion is castle, so I would be wrong.

  8. My first thought was castle, although I wavered a bit when I saw the picture. But since the riddle spoke of rooms and whatnot, I'll stick with that answer. :)

  9. Excellent guessing Riddlers! The answer had been revealed! ;) ~ F


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