Friday, May 25, 2012

Margo's Musings: Frederick by Leo Lionni

My original copy of Fredrick  : ) 
This week I decided to take over Margo's post and feature my own favorite children's story, Frederick by Leo Lionni. It is a beautiful tribute to story-tellers. My copy is somewhat tattered and worn with love, but it is as special today as it ever was- the words never change.

Fredrick the field mouse is a dreamer. His family works hard all summer, collecting berries and stocking up on grain for the winter months. But, Fredrick doesn't join in. He sits in the sun. He collects thoughts. The others ask him why he won't work, what is it that he is doing? Fredrick tells them that he is gathering words. The cold comes. And, at first, the food is plentiful, the conversation light and fun...but then, the gloom sets in. The world is frozen; the supplies much less. The family of mice turn to Fredrick, remembering what he had said. Through his quiet mouse voice, he lifts them into their imaginations and their hearts are joyous, as if by magic : )  ~ F

Who scatters snowflakes? Who melts the ice? Who spoils the weather? Who makes it nice? Who grows the four-leaf clovers in June? Who dims the daylight? Who lights the moon?

Four little field mice who live in the sky.
Four little field mice... like you and I.

One is the Springmouse who turns on the showers. Then comes the Summer who paints in the flowers. The Fallmouse is next with walnuts and wheat. And Winter is last...with little cold feet.

Aren't we lucky the seasons are four? Think of a year with one less... or one more!

(excerpt taken from Frederick by Leo Lionni)


  1. Not a book I've heard of, Fredrick sounds like an adorable read. My favourite children's story is of course The Velveteen Rabbit.

    1. Hi Petty, I also love, love, love the Velveteen Rabbit, there is something so special and magical about that story. Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  2. I've never seen this one. It's cute!

    1. Hi Kelly, It's a wonderful story; simple and beautiful, with unique illustrations. Great to hear from you! ~ F

  3. I don't know this one either. Adorable.

    1. Hi M. Pax, Great to hear from you! Fredrick is a story that I think most children would truly enjoy. ~ F

  4. I've never really knew what this was about. I kind of feel like he doesn't deserve that much praise because it sounds like he didn't work for himself.

    1. Hi Adriana, Ah, but he did work- Feeding the body is important- but feeding the spirit is too- and Fredrick had the ability to inspire his fellow field mice. His words became the food for their minds, and helped ease the stress of a hard, cold winter. It seems like he's being lazy. But, writing is very hard work. It takes time and effort, and the passionate desire to do something different. Cultivating the imagination is quite a task, but incredibly rewarding- just as much so as eating the food at great banquet in which you've helped to prepare. Great to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  5. Hi Heidi, Don't you just love that poem? I love references to the four seasons. I've never heard of Jane's Pink Blanket, would love to check it out. I'll keep my eye out for the title. You never know where a book may pop up! Always fabulous to hear from you! ~ F

  6. I so loved the tidbit from this book. I have got to have one, just for the sheer joy of the sweet words.

    1. Donna- I agree- the words are so sweet. I think you will enjoy this one. :) ~F

  7. What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Barbara- It really is! I think you would enjoy it. :) ~Stephanie


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