Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When Two Brains Are Better Than One...The Art Of Collaboration A LitBlog
Co-authors Stephanie Robinson and Jessica Haight were thrilled to be invited by to write up an article regarding the art of co-authoring a book. Readers will be given an inside look at how The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow became a reality and the benefits of working as a team when it comes to navigating your manuscript through the Literary Marketplace.

 “One amazing realization about co-author collaboration is that you have a whole other brain working towards the same goal. Both of us have our strengths and weaknesses. What one lacks, the other makes up for.” 
~ Jessica Haight & Stephanie Robinson

When Two Brains Are Better Than One...The Art Of Collaboration
Written by Stephanie Robinson & Jessica Haight

“How did you write a book together?” Is a question often asked of authors who decide to collaborate on writing a story. The underlying truth of what they are really asking is, “How did you manage to not end up hating each other during the process?” The answer to this is simple, it’s not about the ego; it’s about the book. We decided this first...
Read the rest of the article, click here.


  1. What a great article. I went to the site it came from and read the rest of it. I have always wondered how you guys were able to write a book together. Cool!

  2. Awesome article! It sounds like you have a great team working for you. I love the first 7 chapters- that I read online. You write beautifully together. Keep doing it!

  3. Very interesting article, I also went to the other site to continue reading. It sounds like a really great way to work; having someone else to discuss ideas with must be so useful.

  4. What a cool article! I've never thought of it like that.

    I just tweeted it :0)

  5. We are so glad everyone enjoyed the article! Thanks for reading it and letting us know what you think!

    Jess and Stephanie


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