Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Are You Seeing Double?

Lincoln Baker is back to being a regular kid when he gets the call from Pandora that his assistance is needed again. Looking like a junior detective can come in handy when people want to keep a secret. Unfortunately, Linc looks like his nemesis, Benjamin Green, and both recently finished working on an undercover mission in Paris. It seems they are both needed again because there has been a threat on the President of United States and her family. Someone named Dagger has sent a message that they will bomb the White House during an upcoming special event. What makes the situation even worse is that they may be wearing a special coat once worn by George Washington, and the coat is believed to have protective powers. Linc and Ben need to help find this allusive coat before the villain, but time is ticking. When the President's daughter, Amy, decides to follow along with Linc is he putting her life in danger? Do Ben and Linc have what it takes to solve the case? Will their competitiveness work against them? How will they piece together the clues, and who can they trust in a city filled with so many people?  This action-packed adventure will have your heart racing! 

Although I did not read the first book in the Double Vision series I had no problem following along with Double Vision: Code Name 711 by F.T. Bradley. Linc was a character I could relate to right away. He was humorous and smarter than he knew. It was fun going along on a secret case and thinking about what I would do in each situation. Sometimes I agreed with Linc, and sometimes I didn't. This book is filled with spies, moles, villains, and heroes. There are also some pretty cool gadgets, thanks to a character named Henry. I would love to try some of them out! This book made me think about how hard it would be to be a child in the White House and all the restrictions you would have on you. It was clear that Amy really needed some attention from her mom, and she wanted friends and excitement. I would recommend this book to anyone in third grade and up who likes suspense, adventure, and secret codes. I look forward to the next Double Vision book and finding out if Lincoln and Ben ever become friends.

Has anyone else read Double Vision: Code Name 711?  Or have you ever read another book by FT Bradley? We would love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Reading!

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  1. I haven't heard of this series, but it sounds like this was a fun read. :)

  2. It's always great when you can pick up book 2 in a series and not feel lost. Like Kelly, I hadn't heard of this series. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. Natalie- I love being able to pick up the second book in a series and not feel left out, too. Glad to introduce you to a new series. :) ~L

  3. Sounds like one I'd love! It's going on my to-read list.

    1. Barbara- I hope you get to read it soon and enjoy it! :) ~L

  4. I'd heard of Double Vision but didn't realize it was a series. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm just putting together my 2014 TBR list.

    1. Pam- I didn't realize it was a series at first either, luckily it was a great stand alone read. Now I look forward to reading the first one! :) ~L

  5. I have not heard of it but it sounds as though it's fun!

  6. This looks like a great series for my nephews! Thanks!!

    1. Meradeth- I think your nephews will love it! :) ~L

  7. I'm not familiar with the series or the author, but I need to look into it. Look like great books for boys!

    1. Bish- I agree that boys will be thrilled with this series! Lots of action and excitement. :) ~L

  8. Nope. Haven't read this one, but it sounds really great. Maybe I should. =)

    1. Crystal- It is a great read! If you read it, I think you will enjoy it. :) ~L

  9. I hadn't heard of that book series. However, it's certainly something I will try to check out. Read it to my humans :)

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

    1. Penny- Glad I could introduce you to a new series. I bet you will have fun reading it to your humans. :) ~L

  10. Oooh I am with you I love gadgets. This sounds like a fun read

    1. Kimba- The gadgets are awesome! Makes me want to be a spy. :) ~L

  11. This book sounds so intriguing! The title is really cool, and the part about George Washington's coat is so creative. We'll definitely be adding this one to our TBR! Fantastic review!! *hugs*

    ~Michele & Katertot @ A Belle's Tales

    1. Michele and Katertot- I thought the title was cool and I learned a lot about Washington D.C. and history through the adventure. Thanks for stopping by. *hugs back* :) ~L

  12. Thanks for the introduction. Sounds like great read.


    1. Nas- It is a great read! Happy to introduce you to a new book. :) ~L

  13. I'm not familiar with this series, but it sounds like an action-packed read.

    1. Cherie- It is definitely action-packed! :) ~L

  14. Thanks for the kind words, all! You made my day :-)

    1. F.T. Bradley- Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting to our readers. :) We so enjoyed your book! :) ~L and F

  15. I think I should read this if you didn't read the first book, but could dive right into the second. Sequel writing is a challenge and it seems this writer got it done real "good."

    1. Lee- F.T. did an excellent job with the sequel. I agree with you that reading the first book first before this one is still probably best, even though they can be read out of order. When I can- I prefer to read books in order. :) ~L

  16. Not yet, but it sounds like a book a nephew might enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

    1. Claudine- I think your nephew will enjoy this one, too! Thanks for stopping by. :) ~L

  17. I've not read it but it certainly sounds like something I would enjoy.

    1. Barbara- The writing is great and you really get a chance to connect to Linc. Enjoy! :) ~L

  18. Replies
    1. Erik- Glad you enjoyed this one, too! :) ~L

  19. The first book in this series has been on my TBR list for too long. I'll need to get out and buy both to read them soon.

    1. S. W.- How awesome that the first book has been on your TBR. I hope you get to read them both soon. :) ~L

  20. I've never heard of these books, but they sound like fun.

    1. Donna- It is so fun to learn about new series and this one is fantastic! :) ~L

  21. Heidi- I liked that about it, too! :) ~L


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