Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Who Does Bethany Look Like?

As her thirteenth birthday draws closer, Bethany’s parents begin acting stranger and stranger. Things get even weirder when they whisk her away in the middle of the night and drive her across multiple states to leave her at an aunt’s house that she has never heard of or met. Before her parents desert her a snippet of conversation between her dad and Aunt Myrlie reaches her ears, but Bethany has no idea what her dad could mean by: “She doesn’t know anything about Elizabeth.” Now Bethany is in a new town, and people keep looking at her as if she's a ghost. Who do they think she is? Her aunt isn’t helping her figure out why she has been dropped off and why everyone is behaving so oddly. After a bizarre package arrives Bethany’s suspicions reach full gear. The strange man who is following her everywhere isn’t helping. What does this he want with her? Why is everyone acting like they have seen a ghost? Who is Elizabeth?  Will Bethany ever see her parents again, and will she ever figure out what is going on? Bethany doesn’t plan on stopping her search until she has answers, so be prepared to bite your nails as you wait to solve the mystery. 

I loved Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Shadow Children series, so I was excited to read another book by her. Double Identity did not disappoint! I was drawn to the cover because it looked mysterious and interesting. Not only was there suspense and action, but my heart also went out to Bethany as she tried to figure out who she was and what was going on. I couldn’t help but feel bad for her after she was abandoned by her parents, and she didn’t have anyone she could turn to for help. It would be so lonely without friends and family (or familiar family)! The mystery kept me guessing, and I couldn’t wait to find out why everyone was reacting to Bethany like she was someone else. What a strange feeling that would be! I have had people think I looked like someone else before, but no one acted spooked (thank goodness). I think this book is great for anyone who likes reads that have an edge of danger and lots of suspense. Kids in fourth grade and up will read this one as fast as they can to solve the case! I look forward to reading more books by this fascinating author. 

Has anyone else read Double Identity? Or have you read another book by Margaret Peterson Haddix? We would love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading! ~L


  1. This looks like something I would have adored at that age. Probably still would! :)

    1. Hi Meradeth, It's definitely a book to check out! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  2. This book sounds wonderful...I love books like this.

    1. Hi Patty, It's a good read! Thanks for popping by : ) ~ F

  3. Sounds like a good book. I have never read anything by Margaret Peterson Haddix, but I would like to read this. I am really intrigued. I felt like the blurb left tons of questions (and me wanting answers). I like the cover a lot too.

    Paul R. Hewlett

  4. This book sounds wonderful. Love books like this.

    1. Hi Kelly, We hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  5. Thanks for posting about this book. Sounds great!

    1. Hi Editors At Work, You are welcome! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Kelly, Thanks! It's always lovely to hear from you : ) ~ F

  7. This sounds like a fantastic MG read. I wouldn't mind reading it for Marvelous Middle Grade Monday or have it in my classroom library.

    1. Hi Medeia, That would be awesome! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  8. I think I would like this one! :D

    1. Hi This Kid Reviews Books, I think you would too! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  9. Since your theme this week is twins... or is she a clone? Got my curiosity piqued.

    1. Hi Bish, lol- you will have to check out the story to find out! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  10. I'm glad to hear the mystery kept you guessing! I haven't actually heard of this one before, but I'll have to check it out now. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Hi Sam, You are welcome! We hope you enjoy the story : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  11. Hi Heidi and Paul, Among the Hidden was excellent! We hope you both enjoy her stories. Thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  12. Very interesting.. I really do wonder what's happening with all those adults keeping such a big secret from her. I like that it's suddenly at thirteen that everything changes for her because it really does in a persons life plus it reminds me of Savvy in that way. Everything changes at a certain age. I wish I could have discovered it when I was 13. But I will definitely give it a try. Really great mysteries are my kryptonite (;

    1. Adriana- Great point about the age 13. There is even a book that is called 13- that I would like to read because I think everything changes then, too. It would be very scary to have everyone around you keeping a secret about you! If you get to read this one- I hope you enjoy it. :) ~L

  13. Sounds really interesting. This is a different storyline, isn't it? How fun.

    1. Donna- It was an excellent story! Fun to read something different. ;) ~L

  14. I think all of us have been told that we look like someone else, so I find this book quite intriguing.

    1. Donna- It is a great book! I have always been curious about my look alike- since we all have one. I wonder if I would think they looked like me or not... :) Thanks for visiting! ~L


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