Monday, September 10, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: Time to Turn...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Sad to see summer ending, but I love what comes next (not the cold so much). 😉 ~ F

Twelve of us all around. I'm the one that chills the ground. Mid-way though you'll feel the nip and know you're in for a winters trip. Minds are buzzing when I call; time to leap into fall. A warm spell may sneak in, but bitter winds are bound to win. 

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Drum Roll, Please...

Who won a copy of Bubba and Squirt's Big Dig to China?
Elizabeth Voradan
Heather Holden
The Armchair Squid

Please email us with your mailing address.

Monday, September 3, 2018

End of Summer Break!

Hello, Readers! We'll be taking an end of summer break. We'll be back next week with another great book to share with you.  ~ F & L

Friday, August 31, 2018

Margo's Musings: Would You Dare Stay With A Bear?

When we were at the library this week my little sister, Margo, couldn’t wait to pick out some new books. We’ve read and enjoyed Mother Bruce by Ryan.T. Higgins, so I knew as soon as we saw Hotel Bruce it would be our pick.

I had no idea that Bruce was the star of a picture book series. In his first book, Bruce, a grumpy bear, accidentally becomes the mother of baby chicks. That’s what happens when a bear loves eggs and those eggs actually hatch before he can cook them. Let’s just say that Bruce tried everything he could NOT be the mother of the chicks. But—nothing he did worked, and he tried some funny things. He was a reluctant mom for sure. 

Hotel Bruce continues right where the first book left off.  Bruce and his goslings arrive back to his den after their beach vacation. Unfortunately, they are not alone. It seems that while Bruce was away relaxing from the demands of motherhood (or parenthood) some mice had set up home in his den. The mice were out to make a buck or two and had rented space to many other animals as well. Bruce may have had a chance at getting rid of these unwanted guests, but the crafty mice put the goslings to work as bellhops! Will Bruce lose his temper? Is there a way to get the hotel guests to leave? Will he really be happy if they do leave? Read this funny story to find out!

Margo and I especially love the expressions on the faces of Bruce, the goslings, and other animals. Since Margo is little, I think some of the humor went over her head. And based on the way my father was laughing when we read it- I’m guessing some of it even went over my head. We’re so excited that there are more books with Bruce. His grumpy ways do get us laughing and we look forward to finding out what else he's up to and how he will try to solve his problems. I think this would be great for parents and kids to read together. Fun for the whole family!

Has anyone else ever read Mother Bruce or Hotel Bruce? Or have you read another book by Ryan T. Higgins? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Answer to Fairday's Riddle: Stop and Stay!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're staying in a hotel. Tune in Friday to find out how the answer ties into the story. See you all around the book block. 😉~ F

A traveler on their way needs a place to stop and stay. Here they may land, GPS lends a hand. Settled in and marked as guest, they can take a well-earned rest. If rooms are up to par, time is right to park the car. 

What am I referring to? Answer: Hotel!

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62 original riddles and illustrations
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Monday, August 27, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: Leave a Light On...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? It's a grand time! 😉~ F

A traveler on their way needs a place to stop and stay. Here they may land, GPS lends a hand. Settled in and marked as guest, they can take a well-earned rest. If rooms are up to par, time is right to park the car. 

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!