Monday, June 4, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: A Classic Bunch...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme? A twist to the week you'll think is great. 😉 ~ F

A classic bunch is what we are. Grouped together, we're going far. Our names are known throughout the land; our stories passed hand to hand. When on tour, we share our lines, which point you toward literary signs— Alice feels a bit lost, Anne imagines at all cost, girls grow up to be little women, Tom takes off to go swimming, Buck is wild, Victor makes sparks, a knight and squire leave their marks. Five more travel with us too. Tuesday we've a surprise for you! 

What am I referring to? You'll be delighted to find out Tuesday! 

I gave you a clue!

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Scoop on Poop!

Imagine yourself wearing a suit of armor in the middle ages. How would you go to the bathroom?  When did indoor plumbing become popular? What do astronauts do when they need to relieve themselves? Poop Happened: A History of the World from the Bottom Up by Sarah Albee is an amazing book that will take readers back through time to answer burning questions about how and where people went to the bathroom. Once you start reading, you’ll be fascinated by how bathroom etiquette and practices have changed over time. I had no idea that there were so many jobs relating to emptying chamber pots, wiping bottoms, and removing waste. Plus, there were many situations I hadn’t thought about before- but they really opened my eyes to what life was like in a variety of times throughout history. 

If you enjoy learning about the past and like to discover unique facts, then this is the book for you! The story of poop throughout the ages really made me think. I am definitely happy to live during a time and place where I have running water and an indoor toilet. Boy, bathroom issues were just one of the struggles people have had since the beginning of time. I especially like that the book had lots of historical information and longer sections to read, but text boxes and sidebars were sprinkled throughout the text. It’s possible to read every word or just enjoy snippets to give yourself an idea about this interesting topic. At close to 200 pages, this isn’t a book you will want to read all in one sitting. Still, you'll want to share the facts you learn with others, but based on the topic you’ll need to find the right place and time to sprinkle them into a conversation. A great way to get kids interested in non-fiction writing because it shows that you can write about anything you're curious about. A bonus- this author visited my school and was fabulous. She is really entertaining and with over 75 books she helped get us excited about research and note taking. I recommend this to anyone eight years old and up. 

Has anyone else read Poop Happened: A History of the World from the Bottom? Or have you read another book by Sarah Albee? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Reading!

~ L

Catch the book trailer!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Answer to Fairday's Riddle: When You Gotta Go...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we'll be exploring options for #2 through the ages. Friday, Lizzy has a book to share that we can all relate to, so stay tuned! See you all around the book block. 😉 ~ F

It's a curse, you might think, the aftermath of food and drink. On the run, you'll have to go; a restroom is the place to know. Matter squeezed down to size, devoured with hungry eyes. Passing by to feed your gut, it'll stop a starving rut. Nature mixes up this brew to keep your system right on cue.  

What am I referring to? Answers that rhyme with clue: Poo, #2

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations
Available in all e-book formats

Monday, May 28, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: Every Body Does It...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? A tricky topic to write a riddle on, but I love a challenge, and the answer is bound to come out. 😉 ~ F

It's a curse, you might think, the aftermath of food and drink. On the run, you'll have to go; a restroom is the place to know. Matter squeezed down to size, devoured with hungry eyes. Passing by to feed your gut, it'll stop a starving rut. Nature mixes up this brew to keep your system right on cue.  
What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

The correct answer rhymes with clue.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Margo's Musings: Who Wants a Waffle?

My little sister, Margo, loves anything that comes with the syrup. Of course, she’s a sticky mess afterwards! I knew when she saw Woodpecker Wants a Waffle at the local library it would be this week’s favorite.

In the story Benny, the woodpecker, smells something delicious and learns that it’s waffles he's craving. The other animals of the forest think he’s crazy. They don’t think that woodpeckers should eat waffles. Benny doesn’t care! He wants what he wants. He devises a plan to get the tasty breakfast treat. Nobody believes he’ll be able to pull it off. But will he?

This was a really cute read and Margo was rooting Benny on the whole time. We found out there is a “Flat Benny” online that kids can print. Then, they can take Benny to get waffles or some other treat and share the picture with a special hash tag.  I’m sure you can guess what we had for breakfast three times this week! Luckily, my dad’s a wizard in the kitchen, and cooking up delicious breakfast goodies is one of his specialties.

Has anyone else read Woodpecker Wants a Waffle? Or have you read another book by Steve Breen? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!
~ F

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Answer to Fairday's Riddle: Waffles in the House!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're ironing out the dough. Tune in Friday to fill up on the children's picture book Margo's pulled off the shelf. See you all around the book block. 😉 ~ F

Hungry for something good and sweet? Not sure what you want to eat? Take a bite of ironed dough—Belgium is the place to go. More exciting than an egg; break fast slow for syrup keg—powered sugar on the fly or fruit galore piled high. Many ways to serve this dish, but I wouldn't want it topped with fish.

What am I referring to? Answer: Waffles!

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations
Available in all e-book formats