
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Time to Pre- Order!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're spreading the news that The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow is now available for pre-order online. ARCs are available too! Friday marks another meeting of the Character Book Club. Our friend Joshua from Joshua and the Lightning Road will be interviewing, Pete from The Great Timelock Disaster. We'll have all the details, so be sure to check back! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

In time, should the when be known, a future stitch can be sewn. On the horizon words patiently wait, antsy to open your TBR gate. You've itched for a story, thinking it through, and now there's something you can do! Embrace the suspense until you're smelling the pages, known to be the scent of the ages. Stories are magic, and we swim through their ink; when fresh off the press they fly in a blink. If you get one early you're ahead of the game, and you can relax having taken good aim. 

What am I referring to? Answer: Pre-ordering a book!  
Next Roundtable Feature: The Great Timelock Disaster 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I
Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations

Available in all e-book formats
Download for only .99¢ on Smashwords

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  1. I think in a new book! well is alike!
    Congrats Jess!!

  2. Ah, pre-ordering. It's fun to pre-order a book and know you'll get it as soon as it's released. :)

  3. Bummer, I missed the question this week!

  4. Love this riddle! I love pre-ordering something I can't wait to receive! :)

  5. Good riddle; I was totally confused!


  6. Yay Jess, this is exciting... and I didn't get this riddle... I'll get the next one. I'm very happy for you, this us wonderful and I wish loads success xox ♡

  7. Late for the party, once again
    Still, I'm here, now and then
    Missed the clue
    What can I do
    Thus, good luck to you
    Riddles and rhymes, this be true.

    Gary :)

  8. I can't remember what I wrote-LOL. What does ARC mean? This is great news!

    1. Birgit- ARC- is Advanced Reader Copy. :) Thanks!

  9. I was right! Your book!
    How exciting. Pre-ordering now.... oh man, December 7 is a long time... but perfect for Christmas!

  10. Thanks so much for not only your guesses- but also your support and kind words. We really appreciate all of you! :) Thanks a million! :) ~Stephanie and Jess


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