
Saturday, August 20, 2011

100 Followers Giveaway Details

In celebration of reaching 100 Followers, Jessica Haight and Stephanie Robinson are going to send one lucky winner a signed copy of their book, The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow.

Read the first six chapters on the DMS home site 

If you would like to win a signed copy of The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow:

1. Leave a comment on this blog about what intrigues you about the novel or what you would hope to find in an old house. If you have not signed up to follow the blog publicly then leave an email address so we can contact you if you win.

Here are some ways to get bonus entries:
2. Follow this blog publicly – If you are already signed up to follow the blog publicly then you have that entry already. (1 extra entry)
3. Become a Facebook Fan – Like The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow Facebook page here. (1 extra entry)
4. Leave a comment on the Facebook Fan page for another bonus entry. (1 extra entry)
5. For every additional comment you write on the blog or on Facebook you will have 1 extra entry. (1 extra entry- this can REALLY add up!)

We will leave comments open through 9/3 and will notify the winner on 9/4. US only, please.

We will be using (or a Monte Carlo simulation in excel) to pick the winners from the comments.

Good luck!


  1. I have always been fascinated by old, creepy houses- so that is one reason the book appeals to me. I would want to find hidden money!

  2. HA! Me too Trey- I look around my house all the time for hidden treasures- and, have actually found quite a few...

  3. I want to win this book! I love the story because I love mysteries and Fairday seems cool. In an old house I would like to find magic- but I would be afraid of finding a ghost! Lol. Hope I win! I don't have facebook- but I can do the rest.

  4. I would hope to find an old trunk with something ancient and interesting in it. I like looking through old things!

  5. I would like to find an old treasure map! I cannot wait to read this book.

  6. I like how this book is a mystery! I've always enjoyed the mystery genre! I'd want to find a secret passage leading to somewhere neat + exciting!!!!! I don't have a facebook but but i do follow the blog!!!!
    Can't wait to see who wins!


  7. I love hearing what everyone would like to find in an old house... so many cool ideas. I always likes the idea of hidden passages or secret storage or hiding spots.

    For anyone without a Facebook page- don't forget all of your additional comments on the blog give you an extra entry. Exciting!

  8. I love old houses. They are so mysterious; sometimes creepy but always full of character. I would love to find money of course. I think, however, I would enjoy finding a secret diary from a previous owner more. The book sounds so intriguing! I am going to have to read it!

  9. I would expect to find a rocking horse in an old house. GFC Krystal Larson from Live To Read ~Krystal edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

  10. Cristina- I love the thought of finding a diary! It would be amazing to read it and see what mysteries were inside!

    Krystal- What a clever and unique idea! A rocking horse- that would be interesting!

  11. I love your story! It is wonderful! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm a new follower and I look forward to reading more about Fairday (I love that name)

  12. Thanks, Lex! :) So nice to have you as a follower. I agree- Fairday has the best name. So cool! Looking forward to seeing you here again.


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!