
Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday's Ridde! A Shot in the Dark!

This is a tricky one! Good luck everybody! ~F

Science and mythology live forever when light and matter come together.
Sons stream forth from radiant light. In mid-August, they shine so bright.
But for a quest this hero led, the Gorgon would never have lost her head. 
And I wouldn't have been given my name, if that head he did not claim.

What am I? 

Check back later if you need to get a clue...


  1. I think the Perseids meteor showers!!
    SE (-;
    P.S. In fact I even saw one!

  2. It has to be the Perseids Meteor Showers, I agree S.E.- I looked it up, and it's really interesting. Perseids means "sons of Perseus" and since the dust clouds and particles are coming from the radiant point known as the constellation Perseus, this is where it got its name- pretty cool, nice play on words Fairday!

  3. This was tricky- I had no clue! After reading what S.E. said and Marcus- I have to agree with them. I saw some of these meteor showers last week! COOL!

  4. I don't have any clue. Will check back to see what clue you will give. Thanks for linking up to Tuesday Get Connected Blog Hop. Following you back and hope to see you next week.

  5. This was awesome! What a clever idea for a blog post:D

  6. I agree with the others, it has to be the Perseids Meteor showers.

  7. Thanks, Jessie! There is a new riddle each Monday. :) Fairday's riddles help me get my brain started each week!


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