
Friday, August 19, 2011

It’s a Monster Mash!

When science fiction and magic collide you get a story that is a wild ride!! In The Monsters of Morley Manor by Bruce Coville, Sarah and Anthony live near Morley Manor and now that Old Man Morley has died the manor is having an estate sale and then the house is being torn down. Morley Manor has always been creepy, so the kids can’t wait to see the inside of it. Anthony and Sarah each buy something at the sale and Anthony’s box turns out to be much more than he ever imagined. Once he pries the lock open he finds some little figurines that have names on them. He is holding one of the figurines when Sarah calls him into the bathroom to help her give Mr. Perkins (their mom’s pet monkey) a bath. While Anthony helps his sister the figure in his hand gets partially wet. The part that is wet has turned to flesh and is moving! Read this page turner to find out what happens next. This is just the beginning of an unpredictable adventure!

I would recommend this book to kids between the ages of 9 and 13. It has a lot of magic and fantasy elements that will appeal to a lot of people. Also, because of the science fiction elements the reader is constantly surprised. The main characters, Sarah and Anthony, are very likeable and realistic. I truly enjoyed this book, even though a friend told me it was horrible. She was trying too hard to keep the characters straight- I think there are a lot of characters, but if you don’t worry about it too much you will see that you will know the important characters, and don’t worry about the rest. A great read!

Has anyone else read The Monsters of Morley Manor? Or another book by Bruce Coville?

Happy Reading!


  1. Great review! I started that book this year, but I stopped reading
    when more characters got introduced. I couldn't keep them straight.
    Now that you mention that each character doesn't matter to the story I think I'll reread it and give it another try. It was an interesting book- but I didn't know if I had to pay attention to each character.

    Thanks! You have turned me on to a lot of cool books this summer!

  2. Hey! Thanks so much for following Novel Days! I've followed you, and wish you many blessings on your novel! I'm in the middle of writing mine as well, and I can't wait to see the finished product!

    <3 Britta

  3. Found you on someone else's site. Very good review. I don't normally read kid lit but you made this sound interesting.

  4. Hi Sharon-
    Thanks for stopping by! So glad you enjoyed the review! Happy reading!

  5. Britta- Thanks for stopping by- we look forward to stopping back to your blog! Writing sure is exciting! :)

  6. Trey- I think you will ennjoy it if you give it another try. It is a bit crazy- but that is what I like about it. The unexpected! :)

  7. Exactly Marcus! Lizzy, The Monsters of Morley Manor sounds really cool- I should tell my parents to have a tag sale at the Begonia House, I bet the whole town of Ashpot would show up! Ha! ~ F

  8. Interesting review. I haven't read anything by this author,
    but this sounds good.

  9. Fairday- Your comment is perfect! If you had a tag sale- everyone would show up- just to see what is in that old house you live in. I know I'd be there!

    Elaine- Happy reading. I haven't read any other books by this author either. But, I have seen his "My Teacher is an Alien" series.


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!