
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Author Interview with Laura Ann Smith-McFarland

We're excited to interview Laura Ann Smith-McFarland and find out the story behind Eggbert, the talking egg. Without further ado, take it away, Laura! 
(read our review of the book)
What inspired you to write Eggbert’s Christmas on the Farm?

Eggbert has always had a great local following in the Hudson Valley, New York, since the early 1970’s, but many wondered how did Eggbert come about. What was the story behind Eggbert? When Eggbert came out of retirement in 2011, it was evident that he was sorely missed and visitors still posed this question. Flash forward a few years later, the owners of Devitt’s approach me to write the first book about Eggbert knowing my love of Eggbert and writing. I presented an idea for the story and the rest is history!

In Eggbert’s Christmas on the Farm, Zoe wrote a letter to Santa. What would you like to ask Santa for this year?

My husband, Joe, and I bought our first house this year after a decade of apartment living. Our home was built in 1890 and is super sweet and charming, truly our dream home, but needed a lot more TLC than expected. Though we have accomplished a lot in our fixer upper, we have a ways to go! My wish is for Santa to send his talented elves to help and spread his magic on our new home.

Zoe was excited to meet Eggbert. Do you remember your first time meeting him?

Eggbert played a very big part in my childhood. My parents would often take my brother, Michael, and I to visit him throughout the holiday season. I have to admit for a few years I was quite afraid of him, but realized how silly I was being and grew to love him. After all, he has a direct connection to Santa! :-)

You worked with illustrator, Patty Deyo on Eggbert’s Christmas on the Farm. What was the process like?

Patty is an incredible artist and person. We both grew up with Eggbert, so it was a seamless partnership. I roughly sketched out pages/storyboards along with my words and she sprinkled her magic and talent all over the pages of Eggbert’s Christmas on the Farm! We made a few revisions here and there to get it just right. We are so happy to tell the story of Eggbert!

What are some of your favorite books from childhood? Were there any specific authors who inspired you?

I have always had a love of words - spelling, grammar and synonyms! There wasn’t one specific book or author that I favored, but I loved to read various Golden Books, Disney stories, biographies, poetry, prayers and even encyclopedias! I have always been a dreamer. My father was a big influence for my love of writing. He taught me my ABCs, studied for spelling tests with me, published numerous articles and publications throughout his career and even self-published his own book as well. I definitely caught the writing bug from my Dad!

If you could live anyplace real or fictional, where would it be? Why?

I have two ideal places to live, but they are total opposites! I can easily picture myself living on a beach, leading the perfect island life in the Caribbean, but I am also a true New Yorker. I LOVE NEW YORK CITY! It is the greatest city in the world! I love all the wonderful places, people, museums, restaurants and things to do in NYC! Every season is perfect in New York.

Where do you like to write? Do you listen to music while you are writing?

I enjoy writing at home. Whether it is at my desk feverishly typing in silence or the days where I crank some Taylor Swift, Gwen Stefani, Enrique Iglesias, or 80s music to get me going or even curled up on my couch -- I feel inspired!

Are you currently working on a book? If so, can you tell us a little bit about it?

Currently, I do not have a book in the works. I have outlines for a couple specific book ideas, but life and a house has taken over my mind! I am hoping to get back into the swing of things later this winter with a blog about the adventures of our new/fixer upper home. 

Where can we buy your books or learn more about them?

Eggbert’s Christmas on the Farm can be purchased through Devitt’s Nursery & Supply. Please send an email inquiry to: Attention Candace. 

Additionally, I am happy to answer any questions and appreciate any feedback anyone might have. Thank you!

Enter the giveaway for a signed copy of Eggbert's Christmas on the Farm, plus a festive Eggbert ornament. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is a fun post, love the idea behind the Eggbert story. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the interview. :)

  2. Great how the story came about, just everything right place, right time.

  3. OMG...I probably would have been afraid of him, too. I mean...he is sort of cute and yet scary at the same time.

    1. Patty- We agree! Lots of characters can be scary to kids. :)

  4. Hi DMS - what a wonderful story from Laura and how wonderful she could take on Eggbert and give him a new lease of life ... sounds like Eggbert is right on track ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- We liked hearing from Laura too! :)

  5. Eggbert is new to me - but I would certainly have been afraid of him. How lovely that Laura learnt to love him - and spread the love.

    1. EC- We love that Laura learned to love him too. :)

  6. What a wonderful interview. Wishing you much success on what sounds like a labor of love.

    Waving to Jess.

    1. Sandra- Thanks for stopping by! :)

      Waving back! ~Jess

  7. Such an awesome interview :D Thank you all for sharing. <3 This book seems pretty amazing. Curious about it :)

    1. Carina- Glad you enjoyed the interview. :)

  8. I loved reading about how the story came about. I think my grandson would like this. You have a new follower on twitter. *waves*

  9. congrats on the new house, what fun!

  10. Great interview and I loved the video too! So much fun!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Magic Love Crow! :)

  11. Many thanks to all for the kind comments and posts! A huge thank you to Stephanie and Jess for taking the time to get to know Eggbert and introducing him to new friends! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season - wishing you all a wonderful 2018!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Laura. We were thrilled to have you and Eggbert on the blog. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2018. ~Stephanie and Jess

  12. I've never heard of Eggbert. It took me a second to figure out he's an actual egg. He just looks like a face to me. It's nice how the author was approached to write a story on some local history/character.

    1. Adriana- We think it is fun that the book was written for a character on a farm. Definitely unique! :)


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