
Friday, September 8, 2017

What's Under the Egg?

Up until recently, thirteen-year-old Theodora Tenpenny lived with her mother and grandfather in a Greenwich Village house, which has been in their family for generations. Since Theo’s mom has been trapped in her own mind trying to solve a math equation (for years), Theo spends most of her time with her grandfather, Jack. When she arrives home to her grandfather being taken away in an ambulance he tells Theo to look “under the egg”. She knew where the egg was, after all, each day they put the best egg from their chickens in a bowl on the mantle underneath the painting of an egg her grandfather had done.  But, Theo can’t seem to find anything else there. What did Jack want her to find? Money is tight now that she is in charge of the family finances, and she does her best to spend as little as possible. After rubbing alcohol is spilled on the painting of the egg an oil painting is discovered underneath. Theo starts trying to find out where it came from and if it is worth anything. Along the way she meets Bodhi, who is in the city because her famous parents are on location. They become fast friends and work on the mystery together. Did Theo’s grandfather steal the painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art where he worked as a security guard? Is it even an original painting? Will the painting be able to provide enough money for Theo and her mom to get back on their feet and keep their house/?  Read this unique mystery to find out about friendship, art, and the power of knowledge.

I didn’t know much about Under the Egg by Laura Marx Fitgerald when I picked it up- only that it was up for a few awards. I wasn’t expecting an art mystery! Theo and Bodhi had unique personalities and I could relate to both of them in different ways. I liked that Theo was able to make a dollar stretch and that Body was so good at research. Before reading this book I didn’t know much about the Italian artist, Raphael. I learned a ton! I enjoyed the way Theo and Body worked on the mystery because they had divided up some tasks and worked on others together. It was also interesting how much Theo learned about her grandfather and World War II during her research.  I wished she could have had the chance to talk to her grandpa again. I recommend this book to anyone from fifth grade through eighth grade. I also think that adults and older kids will be captivated by this fast paced story. A book that will be a favorite of fans of Chasing Vermeer and The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.

Has anyone else read Under the Egg? Or have you read another book by Laura Marx Fitzgerald? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. Interesting mystery. Art theft or something more?

  2. Mystery and fast paced, sure sounds like a winner.

  3. Sounds very intriguing! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- I was intrigued while I was reading! :) ~L

  4. Whilst not particularly clued up on artists I have to say I find novels, and in particular those aimed at children, a great way of learning my Van Gogh's from my Raphael's and so on.

    This sounds like a great mystery with some memorable characters. As always thank you for your thoughts.

    1. Tracy- I agree! It is a great way to learn a lot about art while trying to solve a mystery. The story made me much more curious about the art and artists that were discussed. :) ~L

  5. It sounds wonderful. Inspirational AND intriguing.

  6. Fast paced and it sounds intriguing ... all makes for a good read!

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan- It would be a great one to read with a younger reader. :) ~L

  7. we do love fast paced! So many books these days are slow as life in purgatory

  8. A mystery and art, an interesting combination. I love both. This is a new author for me. There are so many I'm not familiar with.

    1. Beverly- This was my first book by this author too- but I really enjoyed the story. :) ~L

  9. I love art mysteries. They especially fun when they're fast paced as well. :) ~Aleen

  10. Replies
    1. Lux- I enjoy Nancy Drew and friends. :) ~L

  11. I loved this book. An art mystery for kids was such a fresh idea.

    1. Rosi- Glad to hear you enjoyed it too! :) ~L

  12. An art mystery fast paced. The idea ist really great.

  13. I certainly haven't seen this kind of idea for kids--so very cool!

  14. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

    1. The Armchair Squid- You are welcome. A great book for a parent and child to read together. :) ~L

  15. This is a new-to-me author, but I LOVE the sound of the book. thanks for the tip :)

    1. Jemi- You are welcome. Glad to introduce you! :) ~L

  16. Sounds like a fun read, thank you for sharing!

  17. This sounds like a fun read. I love the concept.

  18. Lovely review sweetie :D Glad you liked this one. <3 And ah, I love her name :D Sounds like a great book.

  19. I haven't read many art mystery books - perhaps three if I am counting correctly! I am glad you found this one so well written and enjoyable. It sounds so fun!

    1. Olivia- Savannah- I liked the style and topic. Definitely an interesting read! :) ~L


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