
Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday's Riddle: Wired To Do...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme? Some look very real! ; ) ~ F

Controlled by forces outside of myself, when I'm off I sit on a shelf. Switch it up, and I'll do my task, calculating odds in a faux mask. My goal is to serve what I don't know. I can only relate to that which I sew. Instructions are given, then I proceed. I do not compute emotional need. 

What am I? Stop by Wednesday for the answer!

I gave you a clue!



  1. Wow this is hard! I thought computer too – but would you leave a computer on a shelf? I can only relate to that which I sew makes me thinking of a sewing machine, but the visual clue doesn’t suggest that. No it’s no good I give up and will have to wait for Wednesday to find out.

  2. Hmm, I'm not really sure about what the answer is to this riddle. Some type of technology, most likely.

  3. Yes, well, errrrrrr, I have no idea! Hugs, Valerie

  4. A.I. of some sort. Computer? Skynet?

  5. The only thing that came to mind was a computer, but that visual clue has me second guessing whether that's right or not. Have a lovely week.

  6. All I could think about was a sewing machine, haha, since you mentioned the word sew :) But no clue, tbh.

  7. My first thought was a Magic 8 ball ... although I have my doubts :)

  8. Some machine that involves sewing:) maybe the actual pattern??

  9. This is a hard one and I'm stumped. Only thing that did come remotely to mind was a calculator.


  10. Hi DMS - so glad I'm not the only one this floored ... I still have no idea ... I was thinking of a stop-watch of sorts ... but tomorrow is now not far away! Cheers Hilary

  11. The only thing I can think of that halfway fits is one of those black 8 balls that answers a question when you turn it over. But I don't see how that fits with the sew part. Sigh. I think you stumped me :)

  12. Excellent guessing, Riddler! The answer had been revealed. ;) ~ F

  13. I don't know?? You have us stumped! LOL!

  14. I've no idea ...
    I need to look at the answer! LOL!

    All the best Jan


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