Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Word is the Word...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers. This was a tough riddle, and as it should be! Words are tricky. Lizzy will cast a spell on you Friday with her book review, so stay tuned. See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

Conjured meanings stir up thought; sound waves travel to be caught. Frequencies vary on passing tides; rough seas ahead, and you may hide. When a calmer wave does mellow, better to speak to a common fellow. How do we know what it is that we say? By the magic we've shared since our very first day. Morphology sticks to the roots of the tree, a part of the structure that tells it to thee. You've read this far, so I'll give you a clue, our knowledge expands when we learn one that's new. 

What am I referring to? Answer: Words!

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Make time to riddle and rhyme!

62 original riddles and illustrations
Available in all e-book formats

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  1. Erm, yeah, I kinda missed that one because I've been off the blogosphere...but you can blame it on reading your book. Yes, that's it. ;)

  2. well-I missed this one also but great riddle!

  3. Oops and sorry about not being around here lately with my celebrity presence. I shall um, spread the WORD! :)


  4. I got this one, Yay.. I had to read the clue 3 times, them I guessed ... lol

  5. Love it! This is one of our favorites :)

  6. I never would have figured it out :)

  7. I can't believe I didn't get this. Now I see it.

  8. Okay, it definitely seems obvious now! :)

  9. Ohh, awesome riddle this week :D Love it. Thank you for sharing. <3

  10. Hi Jess - that's a clever riddle and I'm certain I'd have been bog eyed and wrong if I'd tried to guess it .. but the post is down my reading list - sorry.

    Loved reading it though ... cheers Hilary

  11. This was a pretty difficult one, and I think I was close with language! Words are definitely what we need in life :3

  12. Well that had us all guessing! Excellent riddle.


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