
Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday's Riddle: A Clear Divide...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme? We'll leave a light on. ; ) ~ F

I am the shade on a circle that's spinning. Two of us race, but neither is winning. Round you go, though I'm very still; you like to pretend that I rush at your will. But I'm the measure of what's not light, and it's hard to see while I'm in sight. Some feel afraid, and they huddle for morn. Others revel under stars being born. A side of a side, a yin of a yang; the space in which you see the bang. Hence the divide, for it lights the stage. The action below depends on your age. A lizard king sang of this play, telling them all _____ divides day.

What word am I looking for? (fill in the blank)

I gave you a clue!

NASA image

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  1. This is a hard one! I'm going to say night?


  2. I think it's night as well. Most excellent riddle!

  3. I'm going to guess night as well... this was a bit harder to guess ♡

  4. Hey, I think I can actually get this one (without having read everyone answers first, ha)! I would say night too. And just to let you know b/c I'm too lazy to send an email right now, I'll be sending interview questions sometime this week. Thanks! =)

  5. Night divides day- I got this one but I was rather late today and I see lots of others got it first.

  6. I'll go with everyone else and say night. This is a hard one.

  7. Looks like I don't have to guess. Night sounds perfect!

    I'm really bad at riddles. I suppose that shows a lack of logic on my part.

  8. Looks like I don't have to guess. Night sounds perfect!

    I'm really bad at riddles. I suppose that shows a lack of logic on my part.

  9. Yes indeed...most assuredly it is the night time...which is the right time!

  10. I was going to say darkness until I reached the part about the Lizard King and that definitely refers to Jim Morrison, so it's gotta be Night.

  11. Add me to the guessers of night. Which I relish.

  12. I'm really late today but think everyone who said night is right.

  13. I'm horrible with riddles, so...what they said. ;)

  14. I think in the Moon abut Im not sure, or darkness, I wanna know!!!

  15. Hmm, I agree with the others. I am awful at riddles.

  16. Hi human, Jess,

    The length of the night depends on the time of the year. Unless you live on the equator.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  17. You've got me, so I cheated and looked at what everyone said. I'm still not sure. Will you ease up on us? Please? :-)

  18. You made it too easy with The Lizard King.


  19. Love the riddle. Yep, the Lizard King gave it away.

  20. Thank goodness there are plenty who have left a comment before me. Clueless as to what this weeks riddle is, I'm also going with 'night'.

  21. Great job guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  22. I thought at first it was moon, but the fill-in-the-blank definitely pointed to night. Glad I got it right! :)


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