
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Night Watch!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're heading out into the night. Lizzy's review will be illuminating, and Friday we'll reveal the winner of the truth vs. lie author challenge. See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

I am the shade on a circle that's spinning. Two of us race, but neither is winning. Round you go, though I'm very still; you like to pretend that I rush at your will. But I'm the measure of what's not light, and it's hard to see while I'm in sight. Some feel afraid, and they huddle for morn. Others revel under stars being born. A side of a side, a yin of a yang; the space in which you see the bang. Hence the divide, for it lights the stage. The action below depends on your age. A lizard king sang of this play, telling them all _____ divides day. 

What word am I looking for? (fill in the blank) Answer: Night! 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations
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  1. I wouldn't have gotten this one. It's good though.

  2. That was a tough one. I think your riddles are getting more challenging!

  3. Much can be seen in the night and not all of it is a fright

  4. Night!! and I think in moon or darkness :)

  5. I love this riddle. I consider myself a night/early morning person.

  6. I'm with Gloria. I was thinking moon:(

  7. Gosh you are so great at making these riddles.

  8. This was a challenging one... but yay I figured it out xox ♡

  9. Wow, I was surprised I got it right! A very tough one indeed!



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