
Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday's Riddle: Where You Go...

Hello Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Dorothy knew all about this, but it took a good witch to get her there. ; ) ~ F

When your inner space reflects your outer place, this is where you are. A spot in time to keep your things, behind a door that tells in rings; here is where your secrets rest, in a drawer or perhaps a chest. Somewhere to close your eyes, welcome guests and wave goodbyes; relax or not, work or play, make a choice to move or stay. Kept inside by varying walls, here is where you make the calls. If designed with truth, it can be quite pleasant, and you'll feel safe when in your present. Open or crooked, tall or squat; it could be fancy, but maybe not. The scene will shift, as you know, but here is where you'll always go. 

Where am I referring to?

I gave you a clue!
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  1. Home... it's where the heart is. :)

  2. Your home - that's my guess too. Thanks for challenging me today! :)

  3. I read this before I opened all the other comments so it could be a fair guess! I am not the best at riddles but I hope the answer is home!

  4. Took me a minute, but I'm going with home, which seems to be the popular answer! :)

  5. And my heart is with home as the answer too.

  6. I'm thinking "home." As Dorothy would say, "There's no place like home."

  7. Click your heels 3 times and tell yourself there's no place like home! :)

  8. I am horrible at riddles- but everyone else guessed what I thought too! Home. =)

  9. I was thinking of your safe place, which translates to home:)

  10. I was going to say bedroom, but I see everyone else says home!

  11. I will have to follow along... I was thinking home and then I noticed everyone else did too... Have a great day xox

  12. Toto told me there's no place like home....

    Gary :)

  13. I am not looking at anyone else's answers...but it's HOME!

  14. Home - and I did know it before I looked at the other answers - honest!

  15. Rimes! I love rimes :) HOME! - of course.^^

  16. Great job guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  17. Too bad I missed this one. I feel like I would have gotten it too :/

  18. Home! I got it with the first Dorothy clue.


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