
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Answer to Monday's Riddle: No Place Like...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we'll be experiencing some creature comforts. Lizzy's review will bring us home, and Friday marks another meeting of the Character Book Club. The DMS is hosting Mia from 25 Roses by Stephanie Faris, so be sure to check back. See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

When your inner space reflects your outer place, this is where you are. A spot in time to keep your things, behind a door that tells in rings; here is where your secrets rest, in a drawer or perhaps a chest. Somewhere to close your eyes, welcome guests and wave goodbyes; relax or not, work or play, make a choice to move or stay. Kept inside by varying walls, here is where you make the calls. If designed with truth, it can be quite pleasant, and you'll feel safe when in your present. Open or crooked, tall or squat; it could be fancy, but maybe not. The scene will shift, as you know, but here is where you'll always go. 

Where am I referring to? Answer: Home!

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I
Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations

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  1. Missed the riddle! I have a feeling now based on Heidi's response that this may have something to do with the Wizard of Oz.

  2. One of these days, I'll get over here on a Monday :)

  3. Nice to know I got it right. My heart is definitely at home.

  4. I always love coming home... it is the number one place, I can be myself totally... xox

  5. Yay! I was right ^^ Home is one of my favourite places, especially in winter because it has my warm bed in it ;)

  6. Home. <3 Oh yes. No place like home :) And I love the pictured you shared! So pretty. <3 Thank you for sharing this awesome post :) Adore your riddles.


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