
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Margo's Musings: Bella and Stella Come Home

Bella's not sure about moving, but she knows she needs to be brave for her imaginary friend, Stella. Everything is different when they arrive at the new house, and Stella has her doubts. They both take note of the various differences and decide that it definitely does not feel like home. After all, the kitchen should be blue, and there's no oak tree in the yard, plus her bedroom is so dark without stars on the ceiling. But still, Bella stays strong for her friend, and she tries to make Stella feel better about all of the changes. Her mom says that the new house has character, but Bella thinks it's just the dust. Will Bella be able to adjust to her new house? What will Stella think when the neighbors drop by? What if it never feels like home? You will have to read this adorable children's picture book to find out!
Bella and Stella Come Home by Anika and Christopher Denise is such a great picture book. Margo fell in love with Stella, and has been pressuring me to invite her over, so that her stuffed pony, Mr. Fazzy, can have a friend. My family has recently moved into a spooky old victorian house, and it was a big adjustment for all of us- especially Margo. My little sister is very brave, but moving was a huge change. This story has really helped her to understand what makes a house a home, and she's feeling much better about everything now. The illustrations are magical, and I'm sure we'll be pulling this book off the shelf many times to read again.

Has anyone else read Bella and Stella Come Home or any other books by Anika and Christopher Denise? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Stop by this Friday for an interview with this author/illustrator team, plus an exclusive look at some preliminary sketches by Christopher Denise. We'll also be hosting a fabulous holiday giveaway for this book, along with a bonus surprise. ; )

Happy reading!
~ F

Margo's stuffed pony, Mr. Fazzy :)

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  1. I have not, but it looks adorable. And at first glance, I thought that stuffed dog was real!

    1. Hi Stephanie, lol- Mr Fazzy is REAL to Margo. :) Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ F

  2. This sounds like such a sweet read. I can well remember moving house as a child though sadly not into a spooky Victorian house.

    1. Hi Tracy, The book and illustrations are absolutely magical! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us. You can come and visit the Begonia House any time for a dose of spooky. :) ~ F

  3. There are a lot of good children's books about moving. There was one with a dog we had when my daughter was little: Boomer's Big Day.

    1. Hi Armchair Squid, I'll have to check it out, I've never heard of that book. Thanks for stopping by! It's always great to hear from you. : ) ~ F

  4. Looks like a great one indeed, moving is a big thing for kid or adult.

    1. Hi Patt Hatt, It's a lovely book. Anika and Christopher create magic in their books- they are a great team. : ) ~ F

  5. Thankfully I never had to move as a kid, but I can only imagine how traumatic that would be. (I cried when we traded cars in) So what a great idea for a book to help kids. hehe you'll have to buy Margo a stuffed elephant for Christmas. :) (Or Hanukkah or whatever)

    1. Hi Molly, It's a great story to read to kids who are faced with moving, as that really can be quite traumatic. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ F

  6. This looks so sweet! Moving is tough for everyone (just the thought makes me want to hide!), but I can totally see this helping. Plus, I love the pictures of Stella!

    1. Hi Meradeth, Stella is so cute! Christopher is a wonderful illustrator, and this book would definitely take a little of the sting out when moving to a new home. : ) ~ F

  7. I'm getting this one. It looks adorable!

    1. Hi Sherry, We hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by. : ) ~ F

  8. It looks wonderful. Now to find someone to buy it for...

    1. Hi Elephant's Child, Pretty much anyone would enjoy this book! Thanks for popping in to check it out. : ) ~ F

  9. Sounds great...going into the list to buy...

    1. Hi Romance Reader, We hope you enjoy the book! Great to hear from you! ~ F

  10. Beautiful illustrations. Would have loved this book when I was a kid.

    1. Hi M Pax, Thank you for stopping by! The illustrations are very magical. : ) ~ F

  11. I love the illustrations. This is a perfect book for kids who are feeling scared to move away from their house. I like that Bella picked an elephants her imaginary friend. I would never have thought to have an elephant as a friend when I was younger.

    1. Hi Adriana, The illustrations are brilliant. It's definitely a story that can help kids ease into a new home. I think an elephant as an imaginary friend would really fun! ~ F

  12. I haven't read this but it sounds great. I love the illustrations - they're magical and just the kind of illustrations you want to see as a child (or if you're like me). :)

    1. Hi Kimberly, Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! The illustrations and story are pure magic. : ) ~ F

  13. Aww this sounds great and love the illustrations! Def something my lil one would like and he's really getting into reading and books more and more lately! :)

    1. Hi Giselle, Cool! We hope he enjoys the story and illustrations! Thanks so much for stopping by. : ) ~ F

  14. Sweet. I can just imagine a child having to adjust to a new house. Looks like a good read.

    1. Hi Donna, The book is charming! Thanks for stopping by. It's always great to hear from you. : ) ~ F

  15. I haven't seen this one, but the cover is very sweet and the story sounds terrific. I will check it out. Thanks for the review.

    1. Hi Rosi, Thanks for checking it out! We hope you enjoy the story. : ) ~ F

  16. Aw that sounds cute. My mom collects children's books. I bet she'd love this one.

    1. Hi Anna, That's cool that your mom collects children's books- there's so many beautiful ones out there. Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  17. Sounds like a great book! I've always had a soft spot for elephants.

    1. Hi Cate, Me too! I love them. : ) Thanks so much for stopping by to check out the review! It's always lovely to hear from you. ~ F

  18. Hi Heidi, Great! We hope they love it. Always a pleasure to hear from you. : ) ~ F


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