
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Answer to Monday's Riddle: A New Home!

Here's a sneak peek at Margo's review
Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week, we'll be taking you into a new home. Margo has a wonderful book she can't wait to share. Thursday marks The Best of 2104 book hop, and Friday we'll be chatting with Anika and Christopher Denise, so be sure to check back! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

This can be a scary notion, trekking across land or even the ocean. Once arrived, it's all unknown; things look different and not like your own. The walls are strangers, watching their hosts. Who knows if there's monsters or perhaps lurking ghosts? When everything's new and there's so much to see, remember this thought at the turn of the key: take in the scene and explore your new room; old cobwebs can be swept out with a broom. Having a friend, even one who's not there, can give real comfort, no matter where. Look on the bright side when the journey's begun, there's sure to be adventure and loads of fun. For even though this change appears hard, it's always exciting to pull a new card. You'll never guess what's to be known, and in no time at all you'll feel right at home.

What am I referring to? Answer: Moving into a new home 

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  1. I enlarge the house picture and look beautiful:)

  2. Knew that one, moving sure is no fun. The actual moving part at least

  3. Packing, moving, unpacking are a foretaste of hell.

  4. Moving can be so disruptive. We were talking about buying a house in the spring, but I keep telling my husband I'd rather wait until we can afford to move, THEN put the house on the market. My in-laws are dealing with realtors right now and every time they get a call, they have to clean the whole house, grab the dog, drive somewhere for an hour, then come back. Not an easy way to live your life, especially since I work from home!

  5. Ooh good one. yea moving is tough! Nice once you're settled into your new place though :)

  6. Yes :) I got it. We have moved several times and it is both exciting and stressful.

  7. Got it right! I've never moved before myself.


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