
Monday, April 21, 2014

Fairy Tale Fortnight Hop!

Thanks to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer, The Book Rat, and A Backwards Story for hosting the Fairy Tale Fortnight Book Giveaway Hop. As a thank you to all of our lovely readers, Fairday's Blog is giving away a hardcover edition of the children's picture book Alice the Fairy by David Shannon. This book will show you the magic! 

 Be sure to stop by the other blogs! 
Open to US and International : ) 
Giveaway ends May 3rd

1) Follow with GFC or Bloglovin
2) Leave us a
 comment below: What kind of fairy would you want to be?
3) Fill out the Rafflecopter form below

The Begonia House keeps its secrets. Everyone knows that. Everyone, that is, except for clever eleven-year-old Fairday Morrow, whose family has just moved in. Being the Senior Investigator in the Detective Mystery Squad, more commonly known as the DMS, she’s ready to uncover the mysteries hidden within the strange manor. As the investigation gears up and the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place, the DMS enters into a world where anything is possible, and the danger is most definitely real. Follow along with Fairday and her friends, as spooky meets lovely in this twisting tale of dark secrets and hidden the reviews! 

Scheduled to hit bookstores everywhere in August of 2015! 
Brought to you by Krista Vitola at Delacorte/ Random House

What Fairday's Blog is all about...

Fairday's Riddles are posted on Mondays- they can be written about anything and everything, all at the same time!

Lizzy's Book Reviews are posted on Wednesdays. Lizzy has read just about every middle grade novel out there, and she loves to share her thoughts and, of course, her opinions.

Author Interviews are posted on Fridays. The DMS seeks out the best middle grade authors today and brings them here to chat about their stories. 

Margo's Musings Fridays are sometimes shared with Margo, Fairday's little sister. This post focuses on reviewing children's book authors, which we follow up with an Author Interview.

The DMS Wants to Know was a post we came up with for Saturdays because when we get together to hang out on the weekend, we always chat about different situations and ideas that are floating around in our brains and we like to listen to what other people think about them- some of the comments we've gotten have been absolutely fascinating!

*NEW! Character Book Club: Join us to listen to what your favorite characters have to say. Sign up for our monthly newsletter and find out when the next Character Book Club will be meeting!

Make time to riddle and rhyme! 
62 original riddles and illustrations  

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Available in all e-book formats

☞ Subscribe to DMS Monthly News & Highlights

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Thank you for the giveaway.

    I just looked up types of fairies. I'd like to be a moon fairy.

  2. i'd like to be an Asrais - Are small,delicate, female fairies. They cannot be exposed to sunlight or captured; else they shall melt away into a pool of water.

    yup totally me

  3. Wow, a moon fairy sounds good. The first to pop up in my head is a flower fairy, but I'm going to go with Music Fairy. The book looks so adorable! Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Awesome giveaway. Any type of fairy sounds great to me.

  5. Thank you for this amazing giveaway. <3 I am not sure what type of fairy I would like to be. Hmm. But after watching the Tinkerbell movies (A) I think I would like to be an Animal Fairy. Probably :D Just, any fairy that flies, hih. <3

    1. (I follow via GFC and bloglovin as Carina Olsen <3)

  6. I'd love to be a water fairy...or a star fairy. Do those exist?

  7. I wanted to be an ice fairy!

  8. A tooth fairy hehehe :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  9. I'd like to be a Grant Your Wishes Fairy
    I follow you on

  10. I would like to be a good fairy, some of them can get quite nasty!!!

    I follow bloglovin-judy cox

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! All types of fairies sprinkling fairy dust all over appeal to me!

  12. A good fairy that can anyone be filled with love and goodness.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. A fairy that helps little boys and girls dreams come true.

  15. I would want to be an ice fairy - I just watched the movie Frozen for the first time so I have that on my brain :) LOL! I love the fact that she can make so much fun with her power :)

  16. Thank you this book looks great i love me some fairys.... have a great day

  17. Following via Bloglovin (Jamie Riv). I would be a nature fairy.

  18. Hmmm...I'm not really sure what kind of fairy I'd like to be, but I know I'd like to be some kind of elemental fairy.

  19. 1) GFC follower: jen7waters
    2) What kind of fairy would you want to be? A forest fairy! (a good one)

    carla *jen7waters* on rafflecopter

    thank you for the giveaway!

  20. A fairy that likes kids and helps them when they need it.


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!