
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Answer to Monday's Riddle! A Trip to Italy...

Excellent guessing Riddlers! This week we're off to Italy. Lizzy's review will set us up in style, and Friday we're excited for the chance to chat with Nick Bruel about his fun series Bad Kitty. Over the weekend, we always enjoy hearing from you on The DMS Wants to Know! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

I'm a boot colored green, white, and red. Prized for fashion and fancy hats for your head. I've a tower and grapes all around- this is why many come to visit my ground. I'm surrounded by water, but I kick out my heel, showing my candor and stylish appeal. The sun beams like to ripen my vines, leaving behind romance and luxurious wines. After the time when things fell apart, I birthed a man who knew about art. Taking his turn, he painted in glory, adding flavor to my incredible story. An eternal city is the crown of my throne. If you can name this place, you'll have hit home.

Where are you? Answer: Italy! 

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
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  1. I love this! I might have actually guessed this correctly had I seen it before. There may be hope for your riddle challenged friend after all. :)

    1. Hi Karen, Thanks! Great to hear from you! : ) ~ F

  2. I think I would have actually gotten that one because of the whole boot reference or I might just be thinking too highly of my riddle abilities lately :P

    1. Hi Adriana, You are an excellent Riddler! Thanks for popping by. :) ~ F

  3. Oh, I'm sure I would've guessed this one. Great riddle.

  4. Drat! I was too late to participate, and I think I would have got this one! Great riddle.

  5. Ohh, I love this riddle! Thank you so much for sharing. <3 I would love to visit Italy one day..

  6. Italy. How fun. What a great week this will be.

    1. Hi Barbara, Thanks for stopping by! It's always lovely to hear from you. :)

      Hi Carina, Thank you for stopping by!

      Hi Donna,
      It's been quite a trip! Thanks for popping over. :) ~ F


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