
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle inspired us to remember, and Lizzy's review of The Giver by Lois Lowry was an interesting trip down memory lane. Friday, Margo will be cheerfully chiming in, and Saturday, we always look forward to hearing your thoughts on The DMS Wants to Know. Sunday, we have something special planned, so be sure to check back! Today, Stephanie and Jess are stopping by to tell us about their special memories...

This week's top of the heap: Fondest Memories : ) 
(conversation below events)

Here's what's happening on Fairday's Blog! 

The Leap into Books hop is happening on Fairday's Blog, so stop by to enter for your chance to win a copy of The Giver by Lois Lowry, plus a signed hardcover of the mysterious, new middle grade book The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow by J. Haight & S. Robinson along with a $10 bonus gift card to

The DMS Monthly Newsletter will be making its way around the book block March 1st. Sign up to receive updates about upcoming author interviews and book giveaways!

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Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations  

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Available in all e-book formats
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Our thanks to Alex over at The Children's War for passing along the Inspirational Blogger Award. All this week we are spreading cheer around the blogosphere, and here are just a few wonderful people who have been swapping stories with us, and helping to sprinkle a little magic around... 

* Top of the Heap

Jess: I have so many wonderful memories, but I thought I would share one that is very special for me. When I was in my 20's I worked at an equestrian farm in Rhinebeck, NY called Southlands Foundation. It was a beautiful horse farm located on the Hudson River. My job was taking care of the horses; feeding, blanketing, turn-out, etc. This was a hard job, however I loved it! As physically demanding as it was, it was also extremely enjoyable, as I have always wanted a horse of my own. One of my duties was to bring the ponies back to the barn for breakfast in the early morning. Here is a short poem that I wrote, which describes it perfectly- this is definitely one of my best moments. ~ Jess 

Morning with the Ponies

Air so crisp it pierces the lungs; morning walking to the meadow.

Leather bound in one hand, sweets in the other.
There is nothing but sky and land awaking to a new horizon.

Sounds of nature resound at low, early tones.

For one moment, to stand in all of this. To be one with it, until...

The crack of the whip snaps across the ground.

A rush of hooves follows.
A scent of something free and wild.

The ponies run towards the day.
They run from the sleeping hills.

Spirits of many.
A herd of one. 

Copyright  © Jessica Haight 2004

Stephanie: Some of my fondest memories are of traveling cross country and getting to see all the sights across the United States. I loved being in the car and listening to music while new scenery went flying by. Forest, rocks, desert- the landscapes are so varied. What a beautiful country we live in! With my husband by my side, nothing is better than when we hop in the car and just drive. :) ~ Stephanie

Stephanie enjoying the Scenery :)


  1. Loved the Pony Ladies! I love road trips haven't gone on any with friends but I think the ones with my folks as a kid are my fondest memories :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. Kimberly- Glad you loved the pony! Road trips help to create so many memories. I enjoyed my ones with my family growing up, too. :) ~Stephanie

  2. Walking ponies in a farm near the Hudson River sounds like something from a novel. And listening to music on a road trip with your favourite person in the world is divine!

    1. Ooh, and thanks for the mention again, Jess & Stephanie!

    2. Claudine- It does sound like something from a novel! Music and driving are two things that go so well together. You are most welcome for the mention. :) ~Stephanie

  3. I just got your newsletter this morning. Love it.

  4. Many thanks for my email of your monthly newsletter, as I expected it was packed full of great stuff.

    Well done on your much deserved award and many thanks for thinking of me, I truly appreciate all your support.

    1. Petty- You are welcome! So happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for your kind words! We always enjoy visiting your blog. :) ~Stephanie

  5. Congratulations on the award - and thank you for passing it on to me, I'm honoured to accept it.
    I've just received your newsletter, beautifully presented and very interesting, thank you.

    1. Thanks, Barbara! Your blog is always a bright point in our week. We appreciate the kind words about our newsletter. :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  6. That must have been so cool to work with horses. I've wanted to ride one at least once for some time so I am a little bit jealous (;
    Traveling across the country is something I want to do.
    I've never left the state until last summer where I went to Georgia. The different places and scenery were a nice change to normal life. It was fun hiking around even if the path wasn't a very difficult. I still can't believe that mountains have trees on them. I know you may think that's silly but my picture of mountains varies with that actuality of them. I'd say going to Georgia was one of my fondest memories.

    Congrats on the award!

    1. Adriana- Working with horses was amazing. I love to ride them and take care of them. ~Jess

      I remember when you went to Georgia last year. I think it is great that you got to see some different scenery. We live in such a beautiful country with so many interesting sights. I love what you learned about mountains and I hope you get to drive cross country soon! ~Stephanie

  7. Heidi- So glad you liked the post. I could go on a road trip every day. :) ~Stephanie


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!