
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What's a Whangdoodle???

Here's a book review from 2012 that we thought it would be fun to spotlight today! Happy Reading : ) ~ F & L

Have you ever heard of a Whangdoodle? Ben, Tom, and Lindy Potter hadn’t until they met Professor Savant. But once he told them about the rare creature they couldn’t wait to see it for themselves. It isn’t long before the children are in training in order to improve their powers of observation and imagination. It is a lot of hard work, but they have a lot of laughs! Together, with the assistance of their magical scrappy caps, the foursome adventure to a mysterious land that has long been forgotten by humankind. They start out slow, planning to spend a little bit more time in Whagdoodleland during each visit. There they encounter mythical creatures like Sidewinders, the High-Behind Splintercat, Swamp Gaboons and the always helpful Whiffle Bird. One morning, back at home, Lindy is missing and it is up to her brothers and the professors to try to find her. Will they be able to locate her in the strange land? What obstacles will they find in their way? You will have to read this book to find out!

A friend recommended The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews Edwards and I had never heard of it. What a treat! This fantasy adventure is filled with beautiful descriptions and amazing creatures. I think that the characters are easy to relate to and funny. I think this book will appeal to people that are in 4th grade and up. Younger kids might enjoy reading it with a parent because there are a lot of new vocabulary words! I would love to take a trip to Whangdoodleland!

Has anyone else read The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles? Or another book by Julie Andrews Edwards? (I am sure some of you recognize the author as a famous actress who has stared in many favorites, such as Mary Poppins!)

Happy Reading!


  1. It sounds like a cross from Harry Potter since their last names are Potter, they have a professor, and there's a magical creature as well as Dr. Seuss because of the name of the creature (:
    I once heard that Julie Andrews had a bit of a foul mouth so I'm kind of surprised she did a children's book. I didn't know her last name was Edwards!
    Hope you girls had a great Christmas!

    1. Hi Adriana, Isn't that so funny about Julie Andrews! It's so hard to imagine her swearing! I just watched The Sound of Music the other day- love it! Wishing you a lovely holiday as well : ) ~ F

  2. Cute, cute. I love it. You find the funnest books.

    1. Hi Donna, Thanks! Lovely to hear from you- thanks so much for stopping by today! Have a great holiday : ) ~ F

  3. Sounds wonderful! Am I reading this correctly? This book is written by THE Julie Andrews? Mary Poppins herself? I will not believe she has a foul mouth,, lol :) I haven't read this or any other books by her, but now I want to. Thanks for sharing this.

    Paul R. Hewlett

    1. Hi Lionel- You are reading it correctly- it is THE Julie Andrews! This is a fun and imaginative read! I think you will enjoy it! ~L

  4. I read this book years ago with my is like going down memory lane when I read your blog sometimes!

    1. Patty- I am so glad we can take you down memory lane. I read this one to my class for 9 years (each year the class before votes on one book the next class should hear for read aloud and it won for 9 years straight). The students enjoyed all the imaginative creatures and beautiful descriptions. :) ~Stephanie

  5. Love that title! And I love that Julie Andrews wrote it. :)

    1. Cate- It is a fun title and it was great to read a book written by Julie Andrews! I had no idea she wrote books, too! ~L


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