
Saturday, December 22, 2012

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle was a spark of inspiration, and Lizzy's review of Takeoffs and Landings by Margaret Peterson Haddix took us on a thoughtful trip into two different perspectives. Thursday, on Top of the Heap, Stephanie and Jess popped by to tell us about a few simple ways that they plan on spreading kindness and cheer throughout this upcoming year. Friday, Leslea Newman, author of the children's book The Boy Who Cried Fabulous dropped by to tell us a little more about the story behind her story. Stop by the post and enter for your chance to win a signed copy of this fun story. Giveaway runs until Sunday, December 30th! Also, don't forget, The Drawing Contest is happening all month long, so if you're feeling inspired, pick up pencil and draw a scene from a chapter in The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow and let your creativity flow : ) Send us your artwork and enter for your chance to win a fabulous book prize pack! Contest runs until January 2nd! Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: What inspires you?
(A certain song? A painting? A person?)

We'll tell you ours, if you tell us yours! 

Illustration from Edward Gorey’s The Untitled Book from Amphigorey Too.


  1. Hmm...can I sum it up by saying "everything beautiful"? Some days it's the sound of my children's laughter, other days it's Pinterest or a book or the rain.


    1. M. Christine- What a beautiful answer! So many things to inspire us! ~L

  2. This question has really got me thinking. I don't really know what inspires me. All I can say for now is that I am truly inspired by people. You always learn from people and in some minute ways, I feel that people make us better, they make us grow, understand and be. Jeesh, I am getting a bit philosophical here! :P
    Also, I must admit that I am inspired by Professor Dumbledore form JK Rowling's Harry Potter. His thoughts are clean, pure, easy to underhand. He is the wisest man ever. :)

    1. Hi Sarika, Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us! People are amazing, and the cool part is that you are one of them! Dumbledore is fabulous. Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  3. Pictures, photos, a lovely place, making our surroundings beautiful and comfortable...that's what truly inspires me!

    1. Hi Patty, One of the things I am always most grateful for is being comfortable, and having the space to be myself. I wish that for everyone. Thanks so much for popping by to share your thoughts with us. Always lovely to hear from you : ) ~ F

  4. Sometimes a song on the radio. SOmetimes an old building--I love them. :D-- In one of my stories I was inspired by an elderly couple who were best friends before they got married. Such a sweet couple

    1. Cecilia- I love the story of the elderly couple who were best friends before they got married. It sounds so beautiful! Songs inspire me all the time, too! Thanks for stopping by! ~L

  5. I think almost everything I read or see. Yep. No way to narrow that down. :)

    1. Libby- Great answer! We can find inspiration everywhere! ~L

  6. To be honest, MANY things inspire all depends on my mood and what captures my attention. It can be the beauty o nature, the words of a song, the emotion of a book, the heartfelt thoughts of a friend....inspiration is EVERYWHERE, it's whether we can or choose to see it that sparks the fire in our hearts. ^_^

    1. GMR- Loved your answer! It is whether we choose to see it or not that makes the difference! Thanks for sharing. :) ~L

  7. I'm with most of the others who have left a comment in that no single person or thing inspires me - I'm simply inspired by so many things.

    Wishing you and yours all the best this season, PW.

    1. Petty- So true! If we look around we can be inspired by so many people, objects, songs, things in nature, etc. The list goes on! :)

      Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, too! ~L

  8. I completely agree- so many things are just amazing. For some reason, I have always felt that little spark of excitement or inspiration whenever I see something by Edward Gorey. I just love his artwork! ~ Jess

  9. The strangest things inspire me, and sometimes I'll be doing or thinking nothing at all and then I am inspired.

    1. Hi Donna, Me too! I love it when that happens, it's such a cool feeling : ) Great to hear from you! ~ F

  10. It was fabulous reading everyone's answers. I get inspired by things around me all the time- music, nature, interesting features, old buildings, people, etc. I think one of the things that inspires me the most is books. So many great ideas out there and I get to go on amazing journeys that make me think! ~L


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!